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发布时间:2018-06-24 19:43

  本文选题:介入资源 + 突发性事件 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着互联网和全球化的快速发展,各国新闻网站在新闻报道,尤其是突发性事件追踪报道方面,占据着重要地位,并成为人们获取新闻信息的主要渠道。在激烈的竞争中,新闻网站如何联合读者,如何建立权威性与客观性变得尤为重要。本文选取《中国日报》和《华盛顿邮报》两大新闻网站关于马航失联事件的报道各43篇和23篇,借助UAM Corpus Tool对语料进行识别、分类和标注,对比两大新闻网站在介入资源使用上的差异,分析介入资源使用差异的具体表现以及所要达到的人际功能,在此基础上,讨论介入资源使用差异产生的原因。研究发现,《中国日报》和《华盛顿邮报》在介入资源的使用上既有相同点,也有不同点,本文重点研究介入资源使用差异。分析结果表明,两大新闻网站介入资源使用差异主要体现在单声、反对、接纳以及认可四个方面,笔者从介入资源实现方式和介入程度两方面具体分析这四种资源在读者联合,权威性及客观性建立上的差异。分析发现两大新闻网站联合读者的方式有所差异,《华盛顿邮报》倾向于使用收缩资源,且介入程度较高,《中国日报》倾向于使用扩展资源,介入程度较低;《中国日报》和《华盛顿邮报》作为两大具有影响力的新闻机构,在突发性事件新闻报道中,都注重构建权威性与客观性,但仍有一定差异。《华盛顿邮报》介入程度高于《中国日报》,新闻报道的客观性不如《中国日报》,其致力于在新闻报道中插入自己的观点,从而显示新闻权威性。本文通过研究不同新闻网站突发性事件新闻报道中介入资源使用差异,发现在读者联合及权威性、客观性构建上的差异,希望对网站新闻报道的提升有借鉴意义,对评价系统的应用以及新闻语篇的研究提供参考,以适应新闻报道的全球化。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet and globalization, news websites of various countries are playing an important role in news reporting, especially in the tracking of unexpected events, and have become the main channel for people to obtain news information. In the fierce competition, how to combine readers, how to establish authority and objectivity becomes particularly important. This paper selects 43 and 23 reports on the missing Malaysia Airlines incident from the two major news websites, the China Daily and the Washington Post, respectively, and makes use of the UAM Corpus tool to identify, classify and annotate the corpus. This paper compares the differences in the use of intervention resources between the two major news websites, analyzes the specific performance of the differences in the use of intervention resources and the interpersonal functions to be achieved, and discusses the reasons for the differences in the use of intervention resources. It is found that there are similarities and differences in the use of intervention resources between China Daily and Washington Post. This paper focuses on the differences in the use of intervention resources. The results show that the differences in the use of intervention resources between the two major news websites are mainly reflected in four aspects: single voice, opposition, acceptance and approval. The author analyzes the combination of these four resources in readers from two aspects: the way and the degree of intervention. Differences in the establishment of authority and objectivity. It is found that the two news websites have different ways of combining readers. The Washington Post tends to use contractile resources, and the degree of intervention is higher, and the China Daily tends to use expanded resources. As two influential news organizations, the China Daily and the Washington Post, as two influential news organizations, pay attention to building up authority and objectivity in news reports on sudden incidents. However, there are still some differences. The degree of intervention of the Washington Post is higher than that of the China Daily, and the objectivity of the news report is not as good as that of the China Daily. By studying the differences in the use of interventional resources in news reports of unexpected events on different news websites, this paper finds out the differences in the construction of readers' union and authority and objectivity, and hopes that it can be used for reference in the promotion of news reports on websites. In order to adapt to the globalization of news reporting, it provides a reference for the application of evaluation system and the research of news discourse.


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