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发布时间:2018-06-24 19:29

  本文选题:英语短语动词加工 + 字面意义 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语短语动词是英语语言中特有的词汇结构,也是中国英语学习者学习过程中的难点和重点。英语短语动词的语义特征和句法结构一直是理论研究和实证研究的热点。本研究运用事件相关电位技术(ERPs)研究了以下问题:1、不同熟练度的中国英语学习者在加工英语短语动词字面意义和隐喻意义时所遵循的机制是什么? 2、高低不同熟练度的中国英语学习者加工英语短语动词字面意义和隐喻意义的机制有什么差别? 3、高熟练度的中国英语学习者是否在加工机制上更接近英语母语者?实验被试分为两组。一组是已通过英语专业八级的英语专业学生,作为高熟练度被试;另一组是通过大学英语四级的非英语专业学生,作为低熟练度被试。168个包含短语动词的英文句子通过电脑屏幕逐词呈现给40名英语学习者(高低水平各20名)。每个短语动词都包含字面意义和隐喻意义,每个短语动词都形成包含字面意义和隐喻意义两个版本的句子,被试仅会看到其中一个版本,实验任务是要求被试根据第一反应尽可能快并准确地在每句话结束后通过按键进行语义判断。实验过程中,被试的行为数据(语义判断的准确率及反应时长)和脑电数据分别被E-prime 2.0和Brain Product软件记录下来。实验结束后,被试的行为数据和脑电数据需通过SPSS 20.0软件包,进行重复方差测量进行分析。实验结果表明,就行为数据而言,高熟练度被试的语义判断正确率和反应时都优于低熟练度被试。就脑电数据而言,高熟练度被试在加工包含字面意义的短语动词比加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词时引发的N400波幅更大。低熟练度被试在加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词比加工包含字面意义的短语动词时引发的N400波幅更大。低熟练度被试在加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词比高熟练度加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词时引发的N400波幅更大。比较低熟练度被试在加工包含字面意义的短语动词与高熟练度被试加工包含字面意义的短语动词,没有出现可靠的ERP成分。根据行为数据和脑电数据,高熟练度被试加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词易于加工包含字面意义的短语动词然而低熟练度被试加工包含字面意义的短语动词易于加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词。高熟练度被试加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词优于低熟练度被试加工包含隐喻意义的短语动词但是没有明确ERP成分表明高熟练度被试加工包含字面意义的短语动词优于低熟练度被试加工包含字面意义的短语动词。参考以往关注母语者被试加工短语动词的ERP研究,高熟练度的中国英语学习者在英语短语动词加工上接近母语者。无论熟练度高低,中国英语学习者在加工英语短语动词字面意义和隐喻意义时都表现出不同的电生理学反应。然而,其各自的模式又存在差异。相对于低熟练度被试,高熟练度被试在短语动词的隐喻意义加工上与母语者接近。
[Abstract]:English phrasal verb is a special lexical structure in English language, and it is also a difficult and important point in the learning process of Chinese English learners. The semantic features and syntactic structure of English phrasal verbs have always been the focus of theoretical and empirical studies. Using event-related potentials (ERPs), this study studied the following question: 1. What are the mechanisms followed by Chinese English learners with different proficiency in processing the literal and metaphorical meanings of English phrasal verbs? 2. What is the difference between the literal meaning of English phrasal verbs and the metaphorical meaning of English phrasal verbs by practicing Chinese English learners? (3) are highly proficient Chinese English learners closer to native English speakers in the processing mechanism? The subjects were divided into two groups. One group is an English major who has passed CET-8, and the other is a non-English major who has passed CET-4. As low proficiency subjects 168 English sentences containing phrasal verbs were presented word by computer screen to 40 English learners (20 at high and low levels). Each phrasal verb contains literal meaning and metaphorical meaning. Each phrasal verb forms a sentence with two versions of literal meaning and metaphorical meaning. The task of the experiment was to ask the participants to make semantic judgment by pressing the key as quickly and accurately as possible according to the first reaction. During the experiment, the behavioral data (accuracy of semantic judgment and reaction time) and EEG data were recorded by E-prime 2.0 and brain Product software respectively. After the experiment, the behavioral data and EEG data were analyzed by repeated variance measurement by SPSS 20.0 software package. The experimental results show that, in terms of behavior data, the accuracy of semantic judgment and reaction time of the highly skilled subjects are better than those of the low-skilled subjects. As far as EEG data are concerned, the N400 amplitude was higher in the highly skilled subjects when processing phrasal verbs with literal meaning than with phrasal verbs with metaphorical meanings. The n400 amplitudes were higher in low proficiency subjects when processing phrasal verbs with metaphorical meaning than in phrasal verbs with literal meaning. The amplitude of N400 was higher in low proficiency subjects when processing phrasal verbs with metaphorical meanings than in those with high proficiency in processing phrasal verbs with metaphorical meanings. Low proficiency subjects processed phrasal verbs with literal meaning and high proficiency subjects processed phrasal verbs with literal meaning without any reliable ERP components. Based on behavioral data and EEG data, Phrase verbs with metaphorical meanings are more easily processed with high proficiency than those with literal meanings, while phrase verbs with literal meaning are easily processed with low proficiency. The highly skilled subjects were better at processing phrasal verbs with metaphorical meanings than those with low proficiency levels, but there was no clear ERP component to indicate that the highly skilled subjects processed phrasal verbs with literal meanings. It is superior to the low proficiency subjects in processing phrasal verbs with literal meaning. Referring to the previous ERP study on the processing of phrasal verbs by native speakers, Chinese English learners with high proficiency are close to their native speakers in the processing of phrasal verbs. Regardless of proficiency, Chinese EFL learners exhibit different electrophysiological responses when processing the literal and metaphorical meanings of English phrasal verbs. However, their respective models are different. Compared with the low proficiency subjects, the highly skilled subjects were similar to the native speakers in the metaphorical meaning processing of phrasal verbs.


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