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发布时间:2018-06-24 19:25

  本文选题:形成性评价 + 档案袋评价 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Reading plays an important role in junior middle school English teaching all the time. Whether from the perspective of examination-oriented or from the perspective of improving students' comprehensive level, reading can effectively reflect the students' comprehensive ability. But at present, the reading level of junior high school students is very difficult to meet the requirements of the new curriculum. How to improve students' reading efficiency and quality has always been the goal and direction of English teachers. Evaluation plays an important role in the overall development of students. In view of the lack of interest and confidence in English reading among junior high school students, the lack of reading strategies and the lack of good reading habits, this paper begins with evaluation. This paper attempts to change the English reading situation of junior high school students by portfolio evaluation. As a formative evaluation, portfolio evaluation is a kind of dynamic evaluation, which provides students with the opportunity of self-evaluation and self-reflection on their own learning process and learning results. This student-centered evaluation method accords with the requirements of the new curriculum standard, promotes the comprehensive development of students, and tries to solve the following three problems: 1: 1 in the research. Portfolio evaluation can promote students to use reading strategies in reading. Portfolio evaluation can improve students' ability of self-reflection in the process of English learning. Can portfolio evaluation improve students' English reading proficiency? The author took two parallel classes in grade 8 of grade 12 junior middle school in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province as the main body of the study, and carried out teaching experiments for four months. The age and sex ratio of the students in the two classes were basically the same. In the eighth grade (1) class, portfolio evaluation was used in the English reading teaching process, while the traditional summative evaluation method was used in the eighth grade (4) class. The author adopts the method of combining quantitative and qualitative research in this study. Questionnaires, tests and interviews are used as research tools, and the data are collected and analyzed. The results show that portfolio evaluation can promote the students' reading strategies, enhance their reading self-confidence, improve their autonomous learning ability and self-reflection ability in junior high school English reading teaching. At the same time, portfolio evaluation can effectively improve students' English reading proficiency. According to the research results, portfolio evaluation plays a positive role in improving students' reading attitude and reading ability, so teachers can apply this method to English reading and extend it to other aspects. From the content of using portfolio evaluation, teachers should pay attention to different levels of students, find out students' problems and give students timely feedback. As a new educational evaluation method, it needs teachers to improve their own professional technology and level, so that it can be effectively applied.


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