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发布时间:2018-06-24 18:53

  本文选题:语域 + 文体特征 ; 参考:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:According to Halliday's register theory, field, tenor and form are three variables of register. The task is excerpted from the second and third chapters of "Brand Breakthrough-how New Brands move towards International", which explains how new brands go international. The initiator of the task is a publishing house, at the request of the publishing house, the target reader is a college student majoring in economics and management, which is used as a professional reference book. The field of the original text is the scope of economics and management, and the tenor is about the target readers, that is, the students majoring in economic management. The form of language refers to the form of written language as a reference book. Therefore, the translation strategy is to embody the stylistic features of the original text from the perspective of field, tenor and style, so that the target text can reproduce its text characteristics. The field features of the text are mainly embodied in the technical terms and jargon. Reference professional books and documents are used to translate the terms. For the translation of jargon, try to use economic topics and academic expressions of idioms. The tenor is mainly embodied in the translation of unnamed sentences and brand names. The target readers should be provided with appropriate language styles according to their decoding ability and educational level. The form is mainly reflected in the translation of the title and the direct quotation of the manager. In the translation of titles, it is a better choice to reflect the dynamic features of titles in line with the features of Chinese titles. In the translation of direct quotation, it is necessary to translate according to the position of the speaker, the occasion and the Chinese speaking habit. The report is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the task of translation. The second part explains the preparation of translation. The third part is the main part, focusing on the case analysis. The last part is the summary part.


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