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发布时间:2018-06-25 14:07

  本文选题:教师信念 + 教育实习 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, teachers' beliefs have become a hot topic for scholars at home and abroad. The related research points out that teachers' beliefs are not only the spiritual basis, but also the important concepts of teachers' thinking and teaching practice in teacher's professional development. Therefore, whether teachers have good beliefs is the key to their teaching level. Based on the dynamic and expansible nature of teachers' beliefs, the relationship between educational practice and teachers' beliefs has attracted many scholars' attention. Teaching practice is an important course in teacher education. It provides an opportunity for the Master of English Education to enter the real classroom, is the link between theory and practice, and is also an important factor affecting the teachers' beliefs. The purpose of this study is to explore the changes and development of teachers' beliefs before and after the practice in English education, and to analyze the factors that affect teachers' beliefs in the process of practice. It is hoped that some suggestions can be provided for the education and practice of master of education. For the purpose of the research, this paper aims to discuss the following three questions: 1. Before the teaching practice, the Master of English Education has established what kind of teacher's belief. After the teaching practice, what kind of changes have taken place in the teachers' beliefs of the Master of English Education? What are the factors that affect teachers' beliefs? Based on the principle of convenient sampling, 35 masters in English education in 2015 in Inner Mongolia normal University were selected as the research object. They had an educational internship from October to December 2006. English teachers' belief questionnaire and interviews are the main research tools used. The questionnaire contains 32 teachers' beliefs, which are divided into five dimensions: English language, English learners, English learning, English teaching and teaching as a profession. The questionnaire was distributed before and after the master of English education took part in the education practice, and then the collected data were analyzed with SPSS software. In order to understand in detail which factors affect teachers' beliefs in practice, 5 subjects were selected and interviewed after practice. The investigation shows that: first, the teachers' beliefs of the Master of English Education have undergone a dynamic process of development in the process of teaching practice, but there has not been a subversive change. Secondly, the influence of teaching practice on the beliefs of English masters teachers varies from person to person, and the positive influence and negative influence coexist, third, the changes of teachers' beliefs of master of English education are mainly reflected in strengthening and supplementing the original beliefs. Fourthly, in the process of teaching practice, there are many factors that influence the teachers' beliefs: for example, in different practice schools, the teaching behavior and practice guidance of practice teachers are discussed. Feedback from students and their own teaching practice. According to the results of this study, in order to further guide and encourage the establishment of good, complete and open teacher beliefs, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the curriculum and attach importance to the practice of English education master's education.


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