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发布时间:2018-06-25 21:00

  本文选题:英语阅读 + 归因 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, more and more scholars at home and abroad tend to study how to improve students' English level from the perspective of cognitive and non cognitive factors, and less research on some specific aspects of English learning, such as reading, listening, writing, etc. reading is the most direct and effective way to acquire knowledge of language, and also a foreign language learner. An essential skill. Attribution refers to the process of explaining and speculating on the causes of the behavior of the individual or others. The different attribution tendencies of the learners have different influences on the non cognitive factors in English reading, and thus influence the improvement of the learners' reading ability. The correlation between attribution tendencies of English reading attribution, attribution and reading performance. The subjects were 410 students in grade two of second middle school in Fushan County, Linfen, Shanxi province. The research method adopted questionnaire survey and interview. The data collected by SPSS17.0 were collected and analyzed with descriptive statistical analysis and independent sample T test. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide useful suggestions for teachers to effectively improve students' English reading level in the course of English reading teaching. The main research questions are as follows: (1) what is the attribution of English reading in junior middle school students? (2) what is the difference between the students and students in the attribution of English reading? (3) junior middle school The results of this study are as follows: (1) in the self evaluation of their reading level, 53.5% of the junior high school students think their English reading level is general, which indicates that most junior high school students lack confidence in reading their own English reading. As a result, most students tend to attribute English reading success to efforts, teachers and reading strategies are attributable to efforts, reading strategies and tasks. In general, the reading attribution of junior high school students is positive. But reading failure attributable to task difficulty is negative. (2) English students and students with learning difficulties are English to English. There are significant differences in the success and failure attribution of reading. In terms of success attribution, there are significant differences in hard work, luck, task difficulty and reading strategies. There are significant differences in efforts, luck, interest and reading strategies between learning poor students and eugenics. Poor students are more inclined to lower English reading scores than hard, lucky, interested and reading strategies. The achievement difference is attributable to the effort, the interest and the reading strategy are positive attribution, but the poor reading achievement is attributable to the negative attribution. (3) there is a significant correlation between English reading attribution and reading achievement of junior high school students. In the attribution of defeat, there is a positive correlation between the effort factors and the significance of English reading achievement. For the students with difficulties in learning, the reading strategies are positively related to the significance of the English reading achievement. In the attribution of failure, the difficulty of the task is positively related to the significance of the English reading achievement. The Enlightenment of this study on English teaching is that (1) teachers should pay attention to the training and stimulation of the English language teaching. (2) teachers should pay attention to the guidance of learning methods and teach students the way to read science. (3) (3) teachers should strive to create a good learning environment for students and help them improve their English reading performance. (4) teachers should actively understand the attribution tendency of students with difficulties in learning. There are many shortcomings in this study, such as the lack of large samples, the means used to obtain data and the difficulty of avoiding subjectivity and the limitations of the level of the researchers. The relevant conclusions are still to be further verified and improved.


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