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发布时间:2018-06-25 20:41

  本文选题:茶文化 + 跨文化角度 ; 参考:《福建茶叶》2017年07期

[Abstract]:At present, the global integration continues to develop, and the economic, political and cultural exchanges between countries are increasing. As the largest developing country, the exchange with other countries continues to deepen. Tea culture, as the quintessence of the quintessence of our country, has been loved by the people of all countries and has conveyed our country's long cultural heritage. Therefore, in the spread of tea culture, we should pay great attention to the translation of its language so as to better reflect its original cultural style on the basis of accuracy, fluency and elegance. However, there are still many problems in the spread of tea culture, especially in translation. This article, from a cross cultural point of view, deeply discusses the spread of tea culture. The meaning and the existing problems, and put forward the techniques and methods that can be used in the translation of tea culture, do a good job before translation, integrate into the artistic conception, keep the original sound and use the bold and flexible translation techniques, and try to embody the humanistic feelings on the basis of accurate translation in order to better disseminate our country's excellent Tea culture.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学外国语学院;


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