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发布时间:2018-06-25 23:13

  本文选题:电话口译 + 译员角色 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing frequency of international communication and the rapid development of Internet and communication technology, more and more modern equipment is applied to the interpretation industry. Telephone interpretation, the new type of remote interpretation, arises at the historic moment. Its wide range of applications involves many fields, such as finance, tourism, medical care and large sports events, whether the government, the company or the other People are increasingly interested in this new interpretation. People can use advanced communication equipment to enjoy convenient, efficient and affordable telephone interpretation services at any time and anywhere. Although the development and research of telephone interpretation in China is still in the primary stage, its emergence is in line with the law of the times, and it is bound to have unlimited potential and broad prospects for development. This practice report, which provides the telephone interpretation service for the customer service consultation of a bank card, is divided into four chapters. The first chapter briefly describes the contents of the practice work and the requirements for the work of the telephone interpreter. The second chapter is mainly composed of two aspects: the pre translation preparation mainly expounds the definition, characteristics and translation of telephone interpretation. In the third chapter, the case analysis is the key chapter of the thesis, the author integrates the problems encountered during the telephone interpretation, and analyzes the understanding of the interpreter and the understanding of the source language during the process of telephone interpretation. The last chapter mainly involves the author's experience on telephone interpretation and the enlightenment and suggestions to improve the service quality of telephone interpretation. Through case analysis and experience summary, the author finds that sufficient pre translation preparation is the prerequisite and guarantee for the completion of the telephone interpretation task. In the process of interpreting, in the process of interpreting, in view of the complexity and diversity of telephone consultation, the interpreter should pay attention to the accumulation of relevant knowledge, enlarge the knowledge level, and be familiar with the accent around the world in order to improve the ability of the source language input and the expression of the target language; in addition, in the three party call, which lacks the non language information, the translation is translated. We need to give full play to the consciousness of the subject, deliver the talk wheel at the right time, appropriately increase and decrease the information, try to make the two sides understand each other, and finally help the customers to solve the problem. I hope this report can provide new materials and new directions for domestic telephone interpretation research, and promote the rise and development of telephone interpretation in China.


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