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发布时间:2018-06-26 10:07

  本文选题:口译实践 + 结果导向型 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on consecutive interpretation. It is based on the seminar on the action plan of result-oriented environmental projects in Hebei Province, in which the World Bank loan Project Management Office participated. With the rapid development of economy, science and technology, the problems of unsustainable resources and environment are becoming increasingly prominent, and the problem of atmospheric environmental deterioration in Hebei Province is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, Hebei Province uses the World Bank's US $4.5 million grant to launch a result-oriented environmental project. Report to relevant units on action plan. In this practical interpretation activity, the author mainly serves as the interpreter of the project spokesman for the action plan of the World Bank grant project on the results-oriented environmental project in Hebei Province. Based on the author's practical experience and professional knowledge, this paper analyzes the problems in the process of communication and puts forward the corresponding solutions. Finally, the author thinks and summarizes the overall task of interpreting. This report contains four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to interpreting tasks, describing the background, nature and client requirements of interpreting practice in Hebei Province. The second chapter is an introduction to the process of interpretation. This chapter mainly focuses on pre-translation preparation, including mastering background knowledge and related vocabulary as well as describing the whole process of interpretation and its translation quality. The third chapter is a case study of interpreting. The author first predicts the speaker's language, and focuses on the interpretation theory to analyze its guiding role in interpreting practice. It also analyzes the principle of sentence-driven and the correct allocation of energy needed in the process of interpreting. The last part is a summary of interpreting practice, including the numbers in the notes, missing translation and mistranslation, and thinking about the correct distribution of energy in the process of transmission. Finally, the author puts forward the personal enlightenment and prospect to the translation practice. Through the practice of interpretation and the completion of relevant reports, it can provide reference for future translation practice and constantly improve oneself and perfect itself.


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