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发布时间:2018-06-27 08:55

  本文选题:优势竞赛论 + 诗意元素 ; 参考:《西华大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:优势竞赛论1981年由中国翻译家许渊冲提出,经过不断的丰富和完善,概括为“美化之艺术,创优似竞赛”。它为文学翻译提供了“忠实”和“求美”的翻译标准,指出直译、意译、增译、减译和“三化”的翻译方法,以及发挥原语语言优势、发挥原语译语均等的语言优势,以及发挥译语语言优势的翻译目标。许渊冲的观点与中国传统翻译观“求真”的标准有所差异,但又是辩证统一的。优势竞赛论的重要贡献就在于其在传统翻译理论基础上的突破,为文学翻译开创了重要的理论先河。《草房子》是中国作家曹文轩创作的少年长篇小说。曹文轩,作家、北京大学教授、2016年国际安徒生奖获得者。他用淳朴优美的语言讲述了发生在中国江南二十世纪五十年代末六十年代初的水乡童年往事。作品刻画了一个个充满天真的少年儿童人物形象,描绘了美妙的江南景物,为作品印制了一张诗意的名片。2005年,由Sylvia Yu,Julian Chen and Christopher Malone共同翻译的《草房子》英译本The Straw House出版。本文以优势竞赛论为指导理论,对曹文轩的《草房子》英译本中的诗意元素进行了翻译技巧研究,研究主要采用归类和个案分析的方法,从童真元素、唯美元素以及其他元素三个方面展开。首先,从外貌描写、心理描写、行为描写和语言描写四个方面对小说的童真元素在英译本中的翻译技巧进行研究。其次,从主题元素、声音元素、意象元素和唯美叙事四个方面研究了小说中唯美元素在英译本中的翻译技巧。第三,从叠词、人物称谓和童谣三个方面对小说中其他元素在英译本中的翻译技巧进行研究。最后,通过统计数据证实优势竞赛论对翻译《草房子》这部饱含诗意美的小说具有重要指导意义,总结《草房子》英译本翻译中值得学习的翻译技巧,提出该翻译中的不足和改进意见。本文按照优势竞赛论求美的标准,统计并分析了《草房子》英译本中的诗意元素在翻译中运用的翻译技巧和达到的翻译目标:运用直译的翻译技巧达到了原文译文等势和发挥译语优势的翻译目标;运用意译的翻译技巧,达到了原文译文等势和发挥原文的语言优势的翻译目标;运用增译的翻译技巧达到了发挥译语优势的翻译目标;运用减译的翻译技巧达到了原语译语等势的翻译目标;运用“浅化,等化和深化”的翻译技巧,有的达到了发挥原语优势的翻译目标,有的达到了原语译语等势的翻译目标,有的达到了发挥译语优势的翻译目标,有效传达了原文的诗意元素。但有些译文因盲目直译原文内容、漏译或错译原文意义,导致原文诗意元素在翻译过程中的损失。此外,《草房子》诗意元素复杂多样,该分类统计研究仍存在一定的局限,本文大胆探索,以期在今后的研究学习中扬长避短,不断取得新的突破。
[Abstract]:The theory of competitive advantage was put forward by Chinese translator Xu Yuanchong in 1981. After continuous enrichment and perfection, it is summed up as "the art of beautification, creating the competition of excellence". It provides the translation criteria of "faithfulness" and "seeking beauty" for literary translation, and points out the translation methods of literal translation, free translation, addition translation, subtraction translation and "three modernizations", as well as giving full play to the linguistic advantages of the source language and giving play to the equality of the source language and the target language. The target of translation is to give full play to the advantages of the target language. Xu Yuanchong's view is different from that of traditional Chinese translation, but it is dialectical and unified. The important contribution of advantage contest theory lies in its breakthrough on the basis of traditional translation theory, which has opened an important theoretical precedent for literary translation. Cao Wenxuan, a Chinese writer, is a juvenile novel written by Cao Wenxuan. Cao Wenxuan, author, professor of Peking University, winner of the 2016 International Andersen Prize. He told the story of his childhood in Jiangnan, China, in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The works depict the characters of innocent children, the wonderful scenery of Jiangnan, and print a poetic business card for the works. In 2005, the Straw House, translated by Sylvia Yu-Julian Chen and Christopher Malone, was published in English. Based on the theory of competitive advantage, this paper makes a study on the translation skills of poetic elements in Cao Wenxuan's English translation of Cao Wenxuan's House of Grass. The study mainly uses the methods of categorization and case analysis to analyze the elements of innocence. Aesthetic elements as well as other elements in three aspects. Firstly, the translation skills of the innocent elements of the novel in English translation are studied from the aspects of appearance description, psychological description, behavior description and language description. Secondly, the translation skills of aesthetic elements in English translation are studied from four aspects: theme element, sound element, image element and aesthetic narrative. Thirdly, the translation skills of other elements in the novel in English translation are studied from three aspects: repetition, appellation and nursery rhyme. Finally, it is proved by statistical data that the theory of competitive advantage is of great significance to the translation of the novel, which is full of poetic beauty, and summarizes the translation skills worth learning in the translation of the English translation of Caohuo. The shortcomings and improvements in the translation are put forward. In this paper, according to the advantage competition theory of the criteria for the pursuit of beauty, This paper makes statistics and analyses on the translation skills and the translation objectives of the poetic elements used in the English translation of "Caohouses": the literal translation techniques are used to achieve the translation objectives of the source text equivalent potential and the advantage of the target language; By using the translation techniques of free translation, we can achieve the translation target of the source text with equal potential and the advantage of the original language, and the target of exerting the advantage of the target language by using the additional translation technique. The translation techniques of subtractive translation have reached the target of equivalent translation of the source language, and the translation techniques of "shallow, equalization and deepening" have reached the target of giving full play to the advantages of the source language, and some have reached the target of translation of the equivalence of the source language. Some of them have reached the target of giving full play to the advantages of the target language and have effectively conveyed the poetic elements of the original text. However, some translations lose the poetic elements in the process of translation because of blind literal translation of the original content, omission or misinterpretation of the original meaning. In addition, the poetic elements of "House of grass" are complex and diverse, and there are still some limitations in the statistical research of this classification. This paper explores boldly in order to make new breakthroughs in the future research and study.


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