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发布时间:2018-06-27 11:19

  本文选题:TPRS教学法 + 中职 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:TPRS(Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling),由美国加利福尼亚州西班牙语教师Blaine Ray结合全身反应法和克拉申第二语言习得理论所创立。这一教学法以大量的“可理解性输入”为核心,通过循环提问给出信息,补充信息,强化目标词汇,以说故事、表演故事的形式进行语言输出,为学生创造轻松和谐的课堂氛围,在课堂中实现语言的运用,在运用中提升英语语言能力。作为一种新兴的教学流派,TPRS教学法强调学生在无意识状态下自然习得语言,提倡以表演的形式进行语言输出,符合学前教育专业学生的学习目的和专业特色。本研究分为两个阶段:第一阶段专注于利用TPRS教学法,提高学生的英语口语能力。主要通过在课堂实践中调整,使TPRS教学法与中职学前教育专业英语课堂有效融合;通过课堂案例,描述TPRS教学法的具体使用;通过教师访谈和口语前测后测,来展现研究是否达到提高学生的英语口语表达能力的目的。研究的第二阶段探讨学生如何在TPRS框架下进行幼儿英语教学的体验。通过课堂的实践,找到学生在TPRS教学法的帮助下进行幼儿英语教学体验的最佳方式;通过课堂观察,找出学生对教学活动是否适应以及是否通过教学活动取得进步;通过学生问卷调查,了解进行幼儿英语教学活动的态度、自我评价等相关问题。通过研究发现:TPRS教学法是能够和中职英语课堂有效融合的,运用TPRS教学法可以提高学生的英语口语表达能力,学生可以利用TPRS进行幼儿英语教学的锻炼中得到一些积极的改变。在此基础上对实施TPRS教学法提出建议:首先,教师在处理教学材料,控制课堂和英语语言能力上要具有较高的水平。其次,学生要获得大量反复的难易程度合理的语言输入。第三,要将TPRS教学法同其他教学法有效结合。
[Abstract]:TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and reporting) was founded by Blaine Ray, a Spanish teacher in California, in combination with the whole body reaction method and Krashen's second language acquisition theory. This teaching method takes a lot of "comprehensible input" as the core, gives information through circular questioning, supplements information, strengthens the target vocabulary, and outputs the language in the form of telling stories and performing stories. To create a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere, to achieve the use of language in the classroom, in the use of English language skills. As a new school of teaching, TPRS teaching method emphasizes students' natural acquisition of language in the state of unconsciousness, and advocates the output of language in the form of performance, which accords with the study purpose and specialty characteristics of the students majoring in preschool education. This study is divided into two stages: the first stage focuses on the use of TPRS teaching method to improve students' oral English ability. Mainly through the adjustment in classroom practice, make TPRS teaching method and pre-vocational education professional English classroom effective fusion; through classroom cases, describe the specific use of TPRS teaching method; through teacher interviews and oral test, To show whether the study can improve students' oral English ability. The second stage of the study explores how students experience English teaching under the framework of TPRS. Through classroom practice, find out the best way for students to experience English teaching with the help of TPRS teaching method, find out whether students adapt to teaching activities and make progress through teaching activities through classroom observation. By means of questionnaire survey, we can find out the attitude and self-evaluation of young children's English teaching activities. Through the research, it is found that the TPRS teaching method can effectively integrate with the secondary vocational English classroom, and the TPRS teaching method can improve the students' oral English expression ability, and the students can make some positive changes in the exercise of English teaching for children by using the TPRS method. On this basis, some suggestions are put forward for the implementation of TPRS teaching method: firstly, teachers should have a high level in dealing with teaching materials and controlling their classroom and English language abilities. Secondly, students should obtain a large number of repeated language input with reasonable degree of difficulty. Third, we should combine TPRS teaching method with other teaching methods effectively.


相关期刊论文 前8条

1 唐玉玲;;美国外语教学模式及对我国外语教学的启示[J];新西部(理论版);2012年Z4期

2 刘莺;;TPRS教学法及其对大学英语教学的启示[J];长沙铁道学院学报(社会科学版);2011年03期

3 黄梅;;谈有效教学理论和建构主义教学观下的英语教学法[J];华章;2011年10期

4 葛艳;;TPRS和非TPRS教学[J];校园英语(教研版);2011年01期

5 刘贾yN;;TPRS教学法初探[J];长春理工大学学报(高教版);2009年02期

6 符蓉;;语言习得理论及其对英语教学的启示[J];邵阳学院学报(社会科学版);2008年S1期

7 彭述初;;克拉申第二语言习得理论与外语教学[J];湖南工业职业技术学院学报;2008年03期

8 王丽萍;;Krashen的二语习得理论与外语教学[J];理论观察;2006年06期

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1 毛燕玲;基于TPRS面向儿童的对外汉语语法教学[D];复旦大学;2011年

2 葛艳;论情景教学法对于提高口语交际能力的有效性[D];上海外国语大学;2012年

3 张婕;TPRS教学法在小学英语中的效果研究[D];山西师范大学;2014年

4 杜梅;在高中英语词汇教学中实施语境教学法的行动研究[D];东北师范大学;2007年




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