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发布时间:2018-06-28 08:27

  本文选题:语言磨蚀 + 英语词汇 ; 参考:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:语言磨蚀,即语言习得的逆过程,指双语或多语使用者由于某种语言使用的减少或停止,其运用语言的能力随着时间的推移而逐渐减退。它是个普遍现象,但却是一个相对新兴的研究领域。目前研究成果呈现“多层面,多成因”的特点,语言磨蚀也形成了“多语境,多渠道”的研究格局。国际学术界已从各个学科角度、多个语言层面对语言磨蚀进行了卓有成效的探讨。相较之下,国内的学者多侧重于翻译介绍国外关于语言磨蚀的研究成果,很少有学者进行有关词汇磨蚀的实证研究。在此背景下,本文对汉语环境中的英语词汇磨蚀情况做了调查,旨在探明语言磨蚀研究中颇具影响力的假设理论——回归假设,对汉语环境中的英语词汇磨蚀的解释力。同时,本文在限定其他词汇磨蚀影响因素的情况下,详细探讨了英语词汇词类的磨蚀趋势。具体而言,本文主要研究的问题有三:(1)雅克布森的回归假说是否适用于汉语环境中以习得的英语词汇磨蚀现象?(2)名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词五大类词汇的磨蚀程度是否相同,具有怎样的变化趋势?(3)汉语环境中哪种英语词汇更易磨蚀,词类是否是影响英语词汇磨蚀的主要因素?本研究的调查对象是某两个省的114名往届毕业大学生,测试工具是一份词汇水平测试表。通过收集试卷,利用SPSS 17.0对试卷成绩,学生背景,词汇特点进行定量定性分析,根据分析结果进行回访调查,所得研究结果表明:(1)雅克比森的“回归假设”所述的“镜像”磨蚀过程在中国的英语学者中也同样存在。对大多数英语学者而言,大学阶段习得的词汇比中学阶段习得更加容易磨蚀。(2)在汉语环境中,不同词类的英语词汇磨蚀程度有所不同,副词表现ff.出了明显的被磨蚀状态,名词和动词,形容词相对较稳定。(3)鉴于影响词汇磨蚀的因素有多种,在控制其他影响因素之后,从语言学特征方面,即词长,音节,和词频,不同词类之间表现出的差异并不明显而从学者个人因素,也就是个人发生词汇磨蚀前英语能力和不接触英语时长方面,副词出现了明显的被磨蚀迹象。此外,各种词类之间被磨蚀程度也各不相同。基于上述结果,本文还针对国内的英语教学提出了一些建议。英语词汇教学的重点应该重视模式程度较高的词汇;针对极易磨蚀的词类,教师应该引导到学采用多种记忆策略来强化词汇知识,同时英语学习者应积极主动去巩固复习新老词汇,避免基本词汇也发生磨蚀。
[Abstract]:Language attrition, which is the inverse process of language acquisition, means that the ability of bilingual or multilingual users to use a language gradually decreases with the passage of time because of the decrease or cessation of the use of a certain language. It is a common phenomenon, but it is a relatively new research field. At present, the research results show the characteristics of "multi-level, multi-cause", and language erosion also forms a "multi-context, multi-channel" research pattern. The international academic circles have carried on the fruitful discussion to the language erosion from each discipline angle, many language levels. In contrast, domestic scholars focus on translation and introduction of foreign research on language erosion, and few scholars do empirical research on vocabulary erosion. In this context, this paper investigates the erosion of English vocabulary in Chinese environment, in order to find out the influential hypothesis theory-regression hypothesis in the study of language attrition, and its explanatory power to the attrition of English vocabulary in Chinese environment. At the same time, this paper discusses the erosion trend of English vocabulary parts of speech in detail under the condition of limiting the factors affecting the erosion of other words. Specifically, there are three main questions studied in this paper: (1) is Jacobson's regression hypothesis applicable to English vocabulary attrition in Chinese context? (2) nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. Do the five categories of prepositions have the same degree of attrition and what trend of change? (3) which English vocabulary is easier to wear out in Chinese environment, and whether part of speech is the main factor affecting the erosion of English vocabulary? The subjects of this study were 114 college graduates from two provinces. Through collecting the test paper, using SPSS 17.0 to carry on the quantitative qualitative analysis to the test paper achievement, the student background, the vocabulary characteristic, carries on the return visit investigation according to the analysis result, The results show that: (1) the "mirror" wear process described in Jacobison's regression hypothesis also exists among English learners in China. For most English scholars, the vocabulary acquired at the college stage is more easily eroded than that in the middle school stage. (2) in Chinese context, the degree of English vocabulary erosion is different among different parts of speech, and the adverb performance is ff. There are obvious eroded states, nouns and verbs, adjectives are relatively stable. (3) since there are many factors affecting the erosion of vocabulary, after controlling for other factors, the linguistic characteristics, namely, word length, syllable, and word frequency, are obtained. The differences between different parts of speech are not obvious. However, from the individual factors, that is, the ability of English before personal vocabulary erosion and the length of time not in contact with English, adverbs show obvious signs of abrasion. In addition, the degree of abrasion between different parts of speech is also different. Based on the above results, this paper also puts forward some suggestions for English teaching in China. The emphasis of English vocabulary teaching should be attached to the words with higher patterns, and teachers should guide teachers to adopt various memory strategies to strengthen their vocabulary knowledge in view of the easily worn out parts of speech. At the same time, English learners should take the initiative to consolidate and review old and new vocabulary to avoid erosion of basic vocabulary.




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