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发布时间:2018-06-30 04:16

  本文选题:空间科学规划 + 纽马克翻译理论 ; 参考:《成都理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, China has a good momentum of development in space science research, scientific research results continue to emerge. How to translate these achievements in high quality will play an important role in the academic exchange and publicity of national scientific research achievements. However, due to the lack of professional knowledge of space science, translation quality cannot be guaranteed, which will be detrimental to scientific research exchanges and cooperation. Based on the above thinking, this paper writes the translation report based on the Chinese-English translation practice of the Space Science Planning Research report 2016-2030. The original language of the project is formal, accurate and informative, which also contains Chinese culture-related words. Newmark's semantic translation theory requires the translator to accurately convey the original information to the target language and make the translation close to the original text. At the same time, his communicative translation theory stresses the importance of paying attention to the feelings of the target language readers and reorganizing the syntax so that the target text can be easily understood and accepted by the target language readers. In the process of translation, the translator has encountered the following difficulties: how to verify and unify the translation of professional terms, the method of translating words with Chinese characteristics, and the translation of Chinese without subject and long difficult sentences. Under the guidance of Newmark's translation theory, the translator mainly adopts the method of literal translation to preserve the content and form of the original text, and for the translation of words with Chinese characteristics, the reader's reading habits are taken into account. The translator mainly adopts translation strategies such as free translation, transliteration and so on. In dealing with the translation of long difficult sentences, the translator mainly adopts translation techniques such as adding words, sequence translation, reverse translation, combined translation and translation, etc. In the process of translation, he adjusts the sentence structure of the original text. Make it more in line with the target language expression norms, take care of the feelings of the target language readers. The translation task was successfully completed. And select a case for detailed analysis. Based on the above research, the translator draws the following conclusions: due to the great linguistic differences between Chinese and English, the structure of the original text must be reorganized in the translation of space science and technology texts. The semantics of the original text can not be fully expressed in the target language by pursuing literal equivalence. The translator must choose the appropriate translation strategy according to the specific circumstances. This paper begins with how to improve the translation quality of space science texts, summarizes the translator's experience and reflection in translation practice, and lists some practical translation techniques and cases in order to provide some references for the translators of space science texts.


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