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纽马克文本类型理论视角下《CHCIC 2015年度社会责任报告》汉英翻译研究

发布时间:2018-06-30 06:07

  本文选题:彼得·纽马克 + 文本类型 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:企业社会责任概念由来已久,如今遍及全球。近十年来,社会责任报告这一形式纷纷为国内企业所采纳,成为企业发展理念的一部分,更是衡量企业综合水平的有效标准之一。国家起重运输机械质量监督检验中心(CHCIC)于2016年1月编写完成2015年度社会责任报告,贯彻落实社会责任理念体系在该中心稳步进行。国内起重运输机械检验检测业务已逐步向海外拓展,社会责任报告作为该中心综合实力的见证,其英译本为打造中心的国际形象,提升中国机械行业的软实力,并助其走向世界,提供了重要平台。本论文以《CHCIC 2015年度社会责任报告》为研究对象,运用彼得·纽马克文本类型理论,指导英译本的翻译过程,进而提升翻译质量。论文开篇对“企业社会责任报告”类文本的源起做了梳理,并结合论文所选取的文本,对论文研究的意义和思路进行了概述;接下来从理论入手,介绍彼得·纽马克文本类型理论的两大核心内容,即三种主要文本类型及两种翻译策略;经研究文本发现,语言中词汇专业正式,大量采用起重运输机械行业专业术语,句式工整规范,多并列结构与长句,篇章紧凑有序,前后呼应;论文在考察了研究对象的语言特点后,确定了文本类型与适用的翻译策略;继而将理论应用于文本翻译,即根据文本所属类型与翻译策略制定具体可行的翻译方法,结合词汇、句法、语篇层面的操作过程和文本实例对英译本进行探讨。作者的结论是,根据彼得纽马克文本类型理论,《CHCIC 2015年度社会责任报告》兼属信息型与呼唤型文本,宜采取交际翻译策略进行处理和传递信息。即:在词汇层面,为保证表述的专业性、可读性与适恰性,可采用行业术语直译或意译,中国特色词汇可直译加注释,普通词汇可采用省译或词性转换等翻译方法;在句法层面,为确保信息表达准确、完整、地道,应采用主动句被动语态转换、无主语句与主语省略句增译主语、长句拆分等翻译方法;在语篇层面,为保证篇章衔接连贯有序,结合衔接标准五大手段,对重复词汇施以减译、省略,长句拆分则以增词、照应等翻译方法来实现。
[Abstract]:The concept of corporate social responsibility has a long history and now spreads all over the world. In the past ten years, the form of social responsibility report has been adopted by domestic enterprises one after another, and has become a part of the concept of enterprise development. It is also one of the effective standards to measure the comprehensive level of enterprises. In January 2016, the National Center for quality Supervision and Inspection of lifting and Transportation Machinery (CHCIC) prepared and completed the report on social responsibility for 2015. The implementation of the concept of social responsibility has been carried out steadily in the center. The inspection and inspection business of domestic lifting and transportation machinery has gradually expanded overseas. The social responsibility report, as a witness of the comprehensive strength of the center, is translated into English to create the international image of the center and to enhance the soft power of the Chinese machinery industry. And to help it to the world, provide an important platform. Based on the Social responsibility report of CHCIC 2015, this thesis uses Peter Newmark's text typology theory to guide the translation process and improve the translation quality. At the beginning of the thesis, the origin of the "corporate social responsibility report" text is combed out, and the significance and thinking of the thesis research are summarized in combination with the text selected in the paper. This paper introduces two core contents of Peter Newmark's text type theory, that is, three main text types and two translation strategies. After examining the linguistic characteristics of the object of study, the thesis determines the text types and applicable translation strategies, and then applies the theory to the translation of the text. According to the type of the text and the translation strategy, this paper makes a concrete and feasible translation method, and probes into the English translation by combining the operation process at the lexical, syntactic, textual level and the text examples. The author concludes that according to Peter Newmark's text type theory, the Social responsibility report of CHCIC 2015 belongs to both informational and calling texts, and it is appropriate to adopt communicative translation strategies to process and transmit information. At the lexical level, in order to ensure the professionalism, readability and appropriateness of the expression, we can adopt the literal or free translation of the industry term, the literal translation and the annotated of the Chinese characteristic vocabulary, and the common vocabulary can adopt the translation methods such as saving translation or part of speech conversion. At the syntactic level, in order to ensure the accurate, complete and authentic expression of information, we should adopt such translation methods as passive voice transformation of active sentence, addition of subject and subject ellipsis sentence, separation of long sentence, etc. In order to ensure the coherence and order of textual cohesion, combined with the five major means of cohesion standards, the translation of repetition words is reduced, omitted, and long sentences are split by adding words, anaphora and other translation methods.


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