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发布时间:2018-06-30 06:29

  本文选题:《大别山革命老区振兴发展规划》 + 生态翻译学 ; 参考:《信阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On June 5, 2015, the Premier of Li Keqiang signed and approved, and the State Council approved the "Plan for the Revitalization and Development of the Old Revolutionary area in the Dabie Mountains." this will give full play to the comparative advantages of the old revolutionary areas in the Dabie Mountains and change the poor and backward outlook as soon as possible. Speeding up the development of the central region is of great significance. The old revolutionary areas of the Dabie Mountains, covering Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, have made great sacrifices and contributions to the victory of the revolution and the establishment of New China, and are important revolutionary bases throughout the country. Therefore, the state should vigorously support the economy of the old areas, pay close attention to the revitalization and development of the old areas, and put forward relevant reform and economic support policies in order to promote the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way by joining the old areas. The old revolutionary area of Dabie Mountain is also my hometown, so this translation practice report selects this text of information function, and extracts some of its chapters and translates them into English in order to further inherit and develop the culture of Dabie Mountain. In order to provide some reference for the translation practice of the same type, this paper discusses the relevant translation methods and strategies. After searching, there is no English translation of this text in China, which is the first translation. The translation practice is guided by Hu Gengshen's ecological translation theory, and the first seven chapters of the text "the Plan for Revitalization and Development of the Old Revolutionary area of Dabie Mountain" are translated, and the regional characteristics are analyzed. Combined with guiding ideology and basic principles, this paper puts forward valuable suggestions and planning measures for spatial layout, agriculture, tourism, modern service industry, urban and rural new countryside and infrastructure construction. This translation practice will focus on the three dimensions of ecological translation, namely: linguistic dimension, cultural dimension, communicative dimension, and combined with specific translation methods: literal translation plus annotation, transliteration and subtractive translation. Strive to faithfully reproduce the original text of the message conveyed. This translation practice report consists of five parts. The first part is the description of the translation task, that is, the source of the translation material, the author and the introduction of the work. The second part is the theoretical guidance of translation practice. The third part is the description of the translation process, which analyzes the vocabulary, sentence and text of the target text from three aspects: linguistic dimension, communicative dimension and cultural dimension. The fourth part deals with the difficulties and methods in the process of translation, which describes in detail several translation methods used in the process of translation, and summarizes the difficulties encountered in the process of translation from three aspects: vocabulary, syntax and culture. The fifth part is a summary, including the experience in translation process, the experience gained from it, the lessons learned and the problems that still need to be solved. Attached is the original text and the translated version.


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