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Ego is the Enemy中修辞句汉译实践报告

发布时间:2018-07-01 07:58

  本文选题:励志类书籍 + 修辞 ; 参考:《山西大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:Ego is the Enemy是一本励志书,由美国作家瑞安·霍利迪(Ryan Holiday)所著,出版于2016年6月。此翻译实践报告是基于该书第三部分的Failure翻译基础上完成的,文中修辞手段的运用使文章表达形象生动,也使得翻译工作更具挑战性,该论文选取其中有代表性的修辞语句,探讨在翻译过程中出现的问题,在准确传达原文信息、考虑语境和文化的原则上,寻求合适的翻译策略。本翻译报告主要包括四部分:第一部分是翻译任务简介,包括对作者背景、语料内容以及文本特点的阐述;第二部分是译者的具体翻译过程;第三部分是案例分析,对翻译过程中出现的修辞问题以及采取的翻译方法进行介绍;第四部分是对此次翻译实践的经验总结、译者自己的感悟以及不足之处。
[Abstract]:Go is the Enemy, a motivational book by American writer Ryan Holiday, published in June 2016. This translation practice report is based on the third part of the book's failure translation. The use of rhetorical devices in the paper makes the text vivid and challenging. This paper probes into the problems in the process of translation and seeks suitable translation strategies on the basis of accurately conveying the original information and considering the principles of context and culture. This translation report consists of four parts: the first part is a brief introduction to the translation task, including the background of the author, the content of the corpus and the characteristics of the text; the second part is the specific translation process of the translator; the third part is the case study. This paper introduces the rhetorical problems and translation methods adopted in the process of translation. The fourth part is a summary of the experience of the translation practice, the translator's own perception and shortcomings.


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1 王玉叶;《奋进:重新定义成功 再创美好生活》第二章翻译报告[D];河南大学;2015年




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