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发布时间:2018-07-02 22:12

  本文选题:外语教育 + 文化 ; 参考:《外语教学》2017年02期

[Abstract]:Language is the concrete content and vivid display of foreign language education, while culture is the ultimate goal and inner soul of foreign language education. However, for a long time, our country's foreign language education has a unclear understanding of the fundamental rules of its culture: the coverage and content of western culture in foreign language education are far from enough to reflect the whole picture of western culture. Chinese culture in foreign language education has been in a state of aphasia for a long time. It restricts the development of foreign language education from a deep level to the culture of China and the west and the difference and codirection between them. Chinese foreign language education should open the concept of cultural consciousness, pursue the consciousness of Chinese and western culture and the difference and common direction between them, take the consciousness of human being as the foundation, take the evolution of Chinese culture as the essential process, and take the self-education of the Chinese nation as the guide. Only then can the cultural function of foreign language education be highlighted and a new direction of foreign language education be opened up.
【作者单位】: 山东师范大学外国语学院;山东建筑大学外国语学院;


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2 吴建平;;WTO与中国外语教育[A];福建省外国语文学会2002年会论文集[C];2002年

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7 戴炜栋;中国高校外语教育三十年[N];文汇报;2008年

8 记者 金鑫;外教社打造“服务中国外语教育”品牌[N];中国新闻出版报;2004年

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