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发布时间:2018-07-03 14:22

  本文选题:《湖湘建筑》 + 文教建筑 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:建筑艺术是生产技艺和文化思想结合的产物。湖湘大地历史源远,英才辈出。早在两千多年前,楚文化就在此彰显辉煌。湖南古建筑作为中国古建筑很重要的一部分,是以一种形象的、真实可见的方式,对一个时代湖南地方文化的历史概括。本次翻译实践通过英译湖湘传统建筑,试图为传播中国传统建筑文化、为中国建设文化强国战略献出绵薄之力。本报告主要选取了《湖湘建筑》(一)一书中第二章关于文教建筑的内容,原书为《湖湘文库》丛书之一,由湖南教育出版社于2013年出版。翻译项目的主要内容包括两部分,一是对湖湘文教建筑的历史阐述,二是对其中几个典型的文教建筑实例的介绍。原文本包含大量的文化负载词及中国传统建筑领域术语,这些词语绝大多数在英文中找不到对应的表达。整个翻译项目原文长句繁多且逻辑性强,汇集的信息量很大。根据纽马克(Peter Newmark)提出的文本类型划分,该文本属于其中的信息型文本,以传递信息为主。本翻译实践将主要以纽马克的文本功能理论为指导,以确保能最大程度传达原文信息。其次,介于原文用词平实,句子相对松散、运用大量长句等特点,笔者在翻译过程中主要采用了一系列策略,如拆分句子、使用被动句、添加主语、音译、加注等翻译方法。报告主要包含四个部分。第一部分介绍了翻译项目主要内容,包括原文本内容介绍、翻译项目的研究意义及原文本综合分析。第二部分描述了翻译项目的整个过程,包括译前准备、翻译过程和译后审校三部分。其中译前准备涵盖了知识储备阶段、翻译辅助工具的选定及术语表的制定、主要指导理论的介绍。第三部分为翻译案例分析,结合纽马克的文本功能理论和语篇翻译理论,分别从词汇、句子、语篇三方面对翻译的重点和难点进行详细分析。第四部分总结了此次翻译项目中获得的经验、启示和存在的一些问题和不足之处。通过本次翻译实践和案例分析,本报告总结了一些关于如何处理建筑类信息文本的翻译策略和方法,以期能对相关方面的翻译研究和实践提供参考。
[Abstract]:Architectural art is the combination of production techniques and cultural ideas. Huxiang earth history source is far, talented person comes out in large numbers. As early as more than two thousand years ago, Chu culture in this display of brilliance. As an important part of Chinese ancient architecture, Hunan ancient architecture summarizes the history of Hunan local culture in an image, real and visible way. Through translating the traditional architecture of Huxiang into English, this translation attempt to spread Chinese traditional architectural culture and contribute to the strategy of building a strong cultural power in China. This report mainly selects the second chapter of the book "Huxiang Architecture" (1) on the content of cultural and educational architecture. The original book is one of the series of "Huxiang Library", which was published by Hunan Education Publishing House in 2013. The main contents of the translation project include two parts, one is the history of Huxiang culture and education architecture, the other is the introduction of several typical examples of cultural and educational architecture. The original text contains a large number of culture-loaded words and Chinese traditional architectural terms, most of which can not find corresponding expressions in English. The original text of the whole translation project is full of long sentences and strong logic, and the amount of information collected is very large. According to the classification of the text types proposed by Peter Newmark, the text belongs to the informational text, which mainly conveys information. This translation practice will be guided mainly by Newmark's text function theory to ensure maximum transmission of the original text information. Secondly, due to the fact that the original words are simple, the sentences are relatively loose and a large number of long sentences are used, the author mainly adopts a series of translation strategies, such as splitting sentences, using passive sentences, adding subject, transliteration, plus notes and other translation methods. The report consists of four parts. The first part introduces the main contents of the translation project, including the original text content, the significance of the translation project and the comprehensive analysis of the original text. The second part describes the whole process of translation project, including three parts: pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation revision. Pre-translation preparation covers the stage of knowledge reserve, the selection of translation aids, the formulation of glossary, and the introduction of guiding theory. The third part is a case study of translation. Combining Newmark's text function theory and text translation theory, the author makes a detailed analysis of the key points and difficulties in translation from three aspects: vocabulary, sentence and text. The fourth part summarizes the experience, enlightenment, problems and shortcomings of this translation project. Through this translation practice and case analysis, this report summarizes some translation strategies and methods on how to deal with architectural information texts, in order to provide reference for translation research and practice in related areas.


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