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发布时间:2018-07-03 17:32

  本文选题:话语结构 + 权力 ; 参考:《国外理论动态》2017年03期

[Abstract]:This paper systematically discusses the relationship between the core concepts and propositions of academic translation theory and practice and critical discourse theory, especially its discussion on discourse and discourse structure and power, ideology, and the nature of knowledge. At the theoretical level, the author puts forward the principles to be followed from the choice of subjects in academic translation to the choice of translation strategies, and at the practical level, through a brief description of the characteristics of academic discourse, the author argues that the translation should not only faithfully convey the knowledge content of the original work. We should also be fully aware of the linguistic and textual structural characteristics of the original text, so as to preserve the deep logical semantic relationship of the original text to the maximum extent, and faithfully reproduce the angle of view and ideological perspective of the declarative knowledge hidden behind the original text, Convey the original author's socio-political intentions. In order to improve the quality of academic translation, academic experts and English experts should make concerted efforts to bring their own strengths into full play.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学外国语学院;


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