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发布时间:2018-07-04 07:33

  本文选题:成就动机 + 小学听力课堂 ; 参考:《青海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:成就动机理论是指个体克服障碍、施展才华的愿望或倾向。它是基于人的需要的生产,鼓励个人从事自己重要的或有价值的工作,努力使人们获得成功的内部驱动力。成就动机理论在20世纪50年代通过哈佛大学教授David C.McClelland对人类需求和动机的研究提出来的。1963年阿特金森成就动机理论进一步深化了对麦克利兰的成就动机理论,提出了更加广泛的成就动机模型。作者希望本研究能为学生的成就动机研究提供更多的建议,同时也能提高英语听力教学水平,使英语听力教学得到更好的发展。本文采用三种工具:访谈、问卷和测试。除此之外,主要采用定量分析和定性分析,探讨以下三个问题:1.引起小学生学习负动机主要原因是什么?2.在小学英语课堂上,成就动机在年级和性别上有什么不同?3.哪些方法的应用能更有效的激发小学生的听力学习动机?根据研究结果发现,学习动机的缺乏是小学英语课堂中普遍存在的现象,几乎所有的英语教师都希望运用一些动机策略来提高学生的学习兴趣。师生对成就动机持肯定态度,他们认为成就动机有助于学生的学习和教师的教学。动机的功能是激活功能、指向功能和强化功能。教师应用的动机策略与激发学生的学习动机之间有着密不可分的关系。在此基础上,教师可以在英语听力课中运用成就动机,并在口语、阅读和写作课中恰当运用。此外,教师要明确学生的整体英语水平、社会家庭背景,并在课堂上灵活地反馈。
[Abstract]:Achievement motivation theory refers to the desire or tendency of individuals to overcome obstacles and display their talents. It is a production based on human needs, encouraging individuals to do their own important or valuable work, trying to make people successful internal driving force. The theory of achievement motivation was put forward by David C. McClelland, a professor at Harvard University, in the 1950s. In 1963, Atkinson's theory of achievement motivation further deepened McLeland's theory of achievement motivation. A more extensive model of achievement motivation is proposed. The author hopes that this study can provide more suggestions for the study of students' achievement motivation, improve the level of English listening teaching and improve the development of English listening teaching. This paper uses three tools: interviews, questionnaires and tests. In addition, the main use of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, to explore the following three questions: 1. What is the main cause of negative motivation for primary school students? In primary English class, achievement motivation is different in grade and gender. Which methods can be used more effectively to stimulate the listening motivation of primary school students? According to the results of the study, the lack of learning motivation is a common phenomenon in primary school English classroom, and almost all English teachers hope to use some motivation strategies to enhance students' interest in learning. Teachers and students hold a positive attitude towards achievement motivation, which contributes to students' learning and teachers' teaching. The function of motivation is activation function, pointing function and reinforcement function. There is a close relationship between the motivation strategies applied by teachers and the motivation of students. On this basis, teachers can use achievement motivation in English listening class and use it properly in oral, reading and writing classes. In addition, teachers should clarify students' overall English proficiency, social and family background, and flexible feedback in the classroom.


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