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发布时间:2018-07-04 07:37

  本文选题:写作教学 + 初中英语 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着英语教学研究的深入,写作教学也受到了越来越广泛的关注。近年来,许多教学研究者通过实证研究证明通过阅读可以提高学生的写作能力。因此“以读促写”的写作教学模式也被大力提倡。但实践表明,并非大量的阅读就意味着有效的写作学习。目前初中阶段的写作教学大多仅仅是对教材中所提供的语篇进行分析,之后要求学生对句式及结构进行简单的模仿,许多学生的写作能力没有得到真正提高。本文的研究问题是:(1)初中英语阅读与写作的现状如何?(2)初中英语“以读促写”的教学现状如何?(3)目前教师采用的读写结合的方式有哪些?(4) “以读促写”的教学策略有哪些?本文采用调查研究的方法。首先从盐城市某三所学校随机抽取130名学生进行问卷调查了解学生的阅读与写作现状以及对阅读和写作之间关系的看法和读写结合的写作教学现状,之后对来自这三所学校的5名教师进行深度访谈,从教师的角度对以上的问题进行了解;此外作者还对其中的两名教师进行了随堂听课,以了解真实的英语写作课堂以及教师在写作教学中所采用的读写结合的方式。最后作者以建构主义理论为基础,从情境创设、建构知识、反思评价三个方面提出了在写作教学实践中可采用的教学策略。通过研究发现:(1)目前大多学生的阅读量不足,学生在阅读过程中较多关注文章中的字词语句;大多学生对自己的写作并不满意,认为语法知识的不足及词汇的欠缺是导致写作较困难的主要原因,而教师则认为文章的内容和结构才是阅读和写作的重难点所在。(2)在阅读与写作关系的看法上,教师和学生都认为阅读和写作是相互促进,密不可分的。但大多数学生并没有写作过程中将两者很好地结合起来,缺乏具体的学习策略的指导。(3)目前写作课上采取的读写结合的方式主要是范文模仿,但在具体的教学过程中教师没有能够很好地创设写作情境;单一地使用课文中的范文进行写作指导,导致学生的作文大多只是生搬硬套;对学生的写作评价缺乏科学性和针对性。(4)基于以上调查结果,结合建构主义理论,作者认为在写作教学实践中可采用的如下的教学策略:话题指引,创设情境,激发写作兴趣;建构知识,培养思维,搭建读写桥梁;比较阅读,反思评价,实现意义建构。此外,作者结合目前江苏省普遍采用的牛津英语教材和课堂教学实例对以上三方面的策略进行解读,以期对初中英语写作课堂教学有所启示。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the study of English teaching, writing teaching has also been paid more and more attention. In recent years, many teaching researchers have proved through empirical research that reading can improve students' writing ability. Therefore, the teaching mode of "reading and promoting writing" has also been strongly advocated. But practice shows that not a large number of reading means it. Effective writing learning. At present, most of the junior middle school writing teaching is only to analyze the text provided in the textbook, and then ask the students to make simple imitation of the sentence pattern and structure, and the writing ability of many students is not really improved. The question of this paper is: (1) how is the present situation of reading and writing in junior middle school English? (2) What are the current situation of the teaching of "reading and writing by reading" in junior middle school? (3) what are the methods of reading and writing by teachers at present? (4) what are the teaching strategies of "reading and writing"? This article adopts the method of investigation and research. First, a questionnaire survey is taken from three schools in three schools in Yancheng City to investigate the status of students' reading and writing. As well as the current situation of reading and writing and the combination of reading and writing, a deep interview is made to 5 teachers from these three schools, and the above problems are understood from the perspective of the teachers. In addition, the author has also listened to two of the teachers in order to understand the real English writing class and teaching. On the basis of constructivist theory, the author puts forward the teaching strategies that can be used in the practice of writing teaching on the basis of constructivist theory, from the three aspects of context creation, construction of knowledge and reflection and evaluation. (1) most of the students are lacking in reading and students are more in the process of reading. Attention is paid to the words and words in the article; most of the students are not satisfied with their writing. The lack of grammar knowledge and the lack of vocabulary are the main reasons for the difficulty of writing, while the teachers think the content and structure of the article are the most difficult points of reading and writing. (2) in the view of the relationship between reading and writing, teachers and students are both. It is believed that reading and writing are mutually promoting and inseparable. But most of the students do not combine them well in the process of writing, and lack the guidance of specific learning strategies. (3) the mode of reading and writing in the current writing course is mainly modeled on the model, but the teacher is not able to create a good way in the teaching process. Writing situation; single use of the text in the text of the writing guidance, leading to the students' composition is only a hard set; the students' writing evaluation is not scientific and pertinent. (4) based on the results of the above investigation, combined with the constructivism theory, the author believes that the following teaching strategies can be adopted in the practice of writing teaching: topic guidance, Creating the situation, arousing the interest of writing, constructing knowledge, cultivating thinking, building a bridge of reading and writing, comparing reading, reflecting evaluation and realizing meaning construction. In addition, the author unscramble the strategy of the above three aspects in combination with the Oxford English teaching materials and classroom teaching examples commonly used in Jiangsu Province, with a view to enlighten the classroom teaching of junior high school English writing. Show.


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