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发布时间:2018-07-04 13:27

  本文选题:高三英语高分学生 + 英语阅读策略 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:研究表明,个体之间的差异,如学生的年龄,性别,认知风格,语言学能,个性等会在很大程度上影响学习的结果。认知风格是个体差异的一种重要变量,其中场认知风格是被国内外学者研究的最广泛的认知风格。阅读能力是发展其它技能的基础和前提,良好的阅读策略会有效促进学习。本文主要探讨学习者的场认知风格与英语阅读策略的关系,并在此基础上分析英语阅读策略与阅读成绩的相关性。国内外的很多学者尽管对这个课题也做过实证性的探讨,但对中学生尤其是学优生的探讨不多,仅有的研究结论也有很大的差异。在总结前人研究成果的基础上,本文采用国际上普遍认可的语言教育学家O’Malley and Chamot(1990)关于学习策略的分类理论对以下问题进行实证研究:1)高三英语高分学生阅读策略使用的现状如何?2)在高三英语高分学生中,不同场认知风格的学生在阅读策略的使用上是否存在不同?如果存在,他们各自擅长使用的阅读策略是什么?3)在高三英语高分学生中,阅读策略的使用与阅读理解成绩是否相关?本次研究的对象是来自河北省石家庄市第24中学高三的99名英语学优生。本研究采用定量研究,通过阅读策略测试,镶嵌图形测试和阅读理解测试,得出的数据用SPSS22.0进行对比分析,得出以下结论:1)高三英语高分学生阅读策略整体使用水平中等偏上,其中,认知策略是使用率最高的,其次是元认知策略和社会情感策略;2)在高三高分学生中,不同的场认知风格在阅读策略的使用上没有显著的不同;3)在高三高分学生中,总阅读策略的使用与阅读理解成绩呈显著正相关,其中,元认知策略的使用与阅读理解成绩呈显著正相关,而认知策略和社会情感策略的使用与阅读理解成绩无显著相关。根据研究结果作者对高中英语教与学提出意见和建议,并通过说明本研究的局限性给未来的研究者提供一些启示。
[Abstract]:The study shows that individual differences, such as students' age, gender, cognitive style, linguistic ability, personality and so on, have a great influence on the outcome of learning. Cognitive style is an important variable of individual difference, and its field cognitive style is the most extensive cognitive style studied by scholars at home and abroad. Reading ability is the basis and prerequisite for developing other skills. Good reading strategies can effectively promote learning. This paper mainly discusses the relationship between learners' field cognitive style and English reading strategies, and then analyzes the correlation between reading strategies and reading achievement. Although many scholars at home and abroad have also made a positive discussion on this subject, but the middle school students, especially the study of eugenics are not many, the only research conclusions are also very different. On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, This paper uses the internationally recognized language educator Ohn Malley and Chamot (1990) to make an empirical study of the following questions: 1) what is the current situation of reading strategies used by senior English students in Senior 3? Are there differences in the use of reading strategies among students with different field cognitive styles? If so, what are the reading strategies they are good at using? The subjects of this study are 99 English students from No. 24 Middle School in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. This study adopts quantitative research, through reading strategy test, mosaic graph test and reading comprehension test, and makes a comparative analysis with SPSS22.0, and draws the following conclusion: 1) the overall level of reading strategy of senior English students in senior high school is above the average. Among them, cognitive strategies have the highest utilization rate, followed by metacognitive strategies and social affective strategies. Among the high grade students, there is no significant difference in the use of reading strategies among the students with different field cognitive styles. There was a significant positive correlation between the use of total reading strategies and the scores of reading comprehension, among which, the use of metacognitive strategies was significantly positively correlated with the scores of reading comprehension, while the use of cognitive strategies and social affective strategies had no significant correlation with the scores of reading comprehension. Based on the results of the study, the author puts forward some suggestions on English teaching and learning in senior high school, and provides some enlightenment to future researchers by explaining the limitations of this study.


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