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发布时间:2018-07-04 18:03

  本文选题:话语标记语 + 因果类话语标记语 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Discourse markers are a common language phenomenon in daily communication and writing. As an important cohesive device that helps to promote the understanding of discourse, it can not only arouse the attention of the listener, show the speaker's emotion and attitude, but also participate in the organization of the discourse and make the discourse coherent. Therefore, since 1970s, the discourse has been used. Markings are widely concerned by linguists and become one of the hot topics in the field of linguistics. In addition, the most common stylistic writing in today's Chinese College English learners' ordinary writing and examination composition is the most common style, and the argumentative paper itself is a rational style expressing the causal relationship between arguments and arguments, then, The use of such discourse markers that express causality will determine the success or failure of a paper to a certain extent. In view of this, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the causality discourse markers in the case of the same classification framework while studying the overall discourse markers. The empirical contrastive study of discourse markers in the written language of the learners has not yet formed a complete system. Therefore, this study has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper, based on the classification framework of Wang Lifei and Zhu Weihua's discourse markers, uses the method of interlanguage comparative analysis to investigate the Chinese College English learners and English native speakers in the book. The two corpus used in the study are: Chinese students' English oral English Corpus (2 edition) and Leuven native English native speaker composition corpus. This study is based on the free research tool AntConc3.2.1 and 75 in the two corpus. In the analysis of the data, the results are as follows: (1) Chinese learners use the overall discourse markers far higher than the native speakers, but the richness is low. (2) Chinese learners and native speakers to the 15 types of discourse markers. Use: the frequency ranking is similar, but the frequency of the use of most class discourse markers is very different. Among them, Chinese learners use meaningful fillers far higher than native speakers, which indicates that Chinese learners have an obvious tendency to speak in English written language. (3) Chinese learners use causality discourse. The density of markings is higher than that of the native speakers. (4) Chinese learners tend to use the causality discourse markers that belong to the adverb connectives in the sentence head position, while the native speakers often use it in the sentence position. (5) Chinese learners have some obvious or too little cases in the use of the discourse markers, and at the same time, the causal discourse markers are marked. There are some typical errors in the use of language. The results of these studies show that there is a big gap between Chinese College English learners' proficiency in discourse markers and those of English native speakers. Teachers should pay more attention to avoid overemphasizing the role of discourse markers in strengthening the cohesion and coherence of discourse; in ordinary teaching, teachers should attach importance to the teaching of the unfamiliar and unfamiliar discourse markers, especially on the related grammatical knowledge of the causality discourse markers; meanwhile, teachers should be conscious. In addition, English teachers should try to adopt a corpus based teaching method, which is not only helpful to the teaching of discourse markers, but also for the students to export more authentic interlanguage. In the last part of the paper, the author points out some shortcomings of this research, and provides a feasible direction for future research on discourse markers.


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