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发布时间:2018-07-04 22:46

  本文选题:陪同口译 + 文化负载词 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid development of world economy, the world is developing towards globalization. At the same time, international cultural exchanges are also under way, which make the tourism industry develop. More and more foreign tourists come to China, and the demand for the quantity and quality of interpreters accompanied by tour guides is becoming higher and higher. This requires that the accompanying interpreters can not only accurately introduce and interpret the information of tourist attractions, but also have the ability to solve unexpected incidents on the spot. This practical report is about the practice of accompanying interpretation in the author's travel. The author provided the accompanying interpretation service for the inbound tour group, which visited the Royal Palace in Handan and the Baoduzhai in Luquan, Shijiazhuang. The guide interpretation practice report is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the situation of the interpretation task, summarizes the specific tasks, the requirements of the client, the characteristics of the accompanying interpreters and the matters needing attention. The second part describes the author's pre-translation preparation, including background information, data collection and short-term preparation. The third part introduces the characteristics of culture-loaded words and summarizes the relevant strategies to carry out specific case analysis, through the analysis of the translated text to sum up the experience and lessons. The fourth part is a summary of this task, an assessment of the translator's translation activities, and a summary of the problems in translation and the requirements for future interpretation learning.


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