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发布时间:2018-07-05 02:56

  本文选题:生本教育 + 小组合作学习 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Student-oriented education is a mainstream theory and practice model of current educational reform and development. The ideal of student-oriented education is to find an educational method in which teachers can teach less, but students can learn more. Student-oriented education is to let students become the real master of the classroom, and the teacher is only the guide and guide of the students. The process of group learning is a process in which students deeply discuss and solve problems together. It fully embodies the students' subjectivity, collectivity and activity, and can form a harmonious, friendly, cooperative, mutual aid and competitive relationship among students. Together to achieve success on the other side. Study group is an important part of student-based teaching. There is no birth without a group. How to look at a group without a group is often a sign of whether the teacher's idea has entered the 'birth book'. Therefore, the effective use of group cooperative learning is a key to the implementation of student-oriented education. In the early 1990s, China gradually began to study the cooperative learning theory. With the requirements of the new curriculum reform, cooperative learning has attracted the attention of many researchers. In recent years, there are many researches on cooperative learning, but most researchers apply cooperative learning to English teaching in universities, high schools and junior high schools. This study applies cooperative learning to primary English teaching, hoping to enlighten primary school teachers. The group cooperation under the student-oriented education in this paper is the intra-group communication of 4-6 students for a small group, the mutual quality among groups, so that the students can be fully discussed, and finally, the group will be pushed to the podium for the exhibition, giving each student the opportunity to show himself. The author took 107 students in two classes of Shahe small Grade 4 students in Jiuyuan District of Baotou City as the research object and carried out 16 weeks teaching experiment. The two classes are an experimental class and a control class. The experimental class adopts group cooperative learning method, and the control class adopts traditional teaching method. This paper mainly adopts the method of theoretical analysis and teaching experiment, carries on the research through the questionnaire, the interview method and the before and after test method. Finally, SPSS is used to test the mean value of the data. The purpose of this study is to explore two questions: (a) whether cooperative learning in groups can enhance students' interest in English learning (b) what effect does group cooperative learning in student-oriented education have on the English learning of pupils in grade four? The result of the experiment is that cooperative learning can greatly improve students' performance. Through group learning, students can actively participate in classroom interaction, and can learn English autonomously. Their academic achievement, interest, attitude and interpersonal skills are improved to some extent. Finally, on the basis of the investigation, the author puts forward the limitations of the research and the enlightenment to further research: teachers should encourage students to adopt more methods to improve the efficiency of group cooperative learning. Teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of effective cooperative learning methods for students.


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