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发布时间:2018-07-05 07:56

  本文选题:模糊容忍度 + 英语阅读理解 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the process of English learning, there are often vague and unfamiliar situations, which often become a major obstacle to students' English learning. As an important part of language competence, reading will inevitably lead to many ambiguous situations and uncertainties, such as new words, long sentences, difficult sentences or reading materials that are not familiar with the background, and so on. In the process of English teaching when students encounter fuzzy situations if teachers pay too much attention to the accuracy and certainty of language students will easily feel confused and affect their learning efficiency and confidence. In order to carry out reading activities smoothly, students need to master certain cognitive skills to cope with the fuzzy situations encountered in reading. This cognitive skill is called fuzzy tolerance. Fuzzy tolerance is a kind of behavior produced by people in the face of fuzzy or unfamiliar situations: people with low fuzzy tolerance tend to regard fuzzy or unfamiliar situations as a potential threat. Conversely, if a person can accept a fuzzy situation, it is considered to have a relatively high degree of fuzzy tolerance. Many scholars at home and abroad have studied fuzzy tolerance. Their results show that fuzzy tolerance has a certain effect on foreign language learning. As an important part of English learning, reading plays a more and more important role in college entrance examination. Therefore, the study of the relationship between fuzzy tolerance and reading is becoming an important research topic. This thesis focuses on the correlation between fuzzy tolerance and English reading scores of senior high school students. The research mainly adopts questionnaire method and interview method. The specific research questions are as follows: (1) how does the overall English reading fuzzy tolerance level of senior high school students (2) do gender differences have a certain impact on English reading fuzzy tolerance? 3) is there a significant correlation between fuzzy tolerance and students' English reading performance? If yes, is it positive or negative correlation? 4) what is the relationship between English reading questions of different difficulty and fuzzy tolerance and reading achievement? Through specific investigation, research and analysis, The conclusion is as follows: 1) the overall English reading fuzzy tolerance of senior high school students is at an intermediate level and needs further improvement (.2) gender differences have no significant effect on English reading fuzzy tolerance. 3) English reading achievement and fuzzy tolerance. There is a significant correlation between degrees. There is a significant positive correlation between them. The English reading score increases with the increase of fuzzy tolerance.) there is a complex relationship between the difficulty of reading questions and the degree of fuzzy tolerance and reading achievement. In a certain range, the higher the difficulty of reading questions, the higher the correlation, but when the difficulty reaches a certain level, the higher the difficulty, the lower the correlation. The results show that fuzzy tolerance has a certain effect on reading comprehension. On the basis of investigation and research, this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions to teachers and students, aiming at enhancing the understanding and attention of teachers and students to relevant problems. At the same time, teachers should pay attention to teaching students with different degrees of fuzzy tolerance in reading teaching, so as to carry out reading teaching activities more effectively and obtain the best teaching effect. In addition, this study can also be applied to similar studies in other languages.


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