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发布时间:2018-07-05 09:05

  本文选题:《英国音乐的诞生》 + 模拟同传 ; 参考:《吉林华桥外国语学院》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Based on the BBC documentary "the birth of British Music", this paper simulates English-Chinese simultaneous interpretation of the documentary. Based on the video materials of English-Chinese translation simulation training, the author analyzes and summarizes the problems and their solutions, and puts forward some suggestions. Practice has shown that there are sometimes errors and omissions in simultaneous interpretation, but some strategies can be adopted to ensure the quality of the translation. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part is a brief introduction of the interpretation project, the purpose of this task is clear; the second part is the preparation for translation, including background knowledge, vocabulary and parallel text; the third part is the analysis of the target text. And the problems that exist. In the fourth part, we adopt the techniques of reorganization and generalization in order to solve the problem of missing translation and false translation. Reviewing the whole translation practice, the author summarizes the problems existing in the translation, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement in the aspects of pre-translation preparation, simultaneous interpretation skills, psychological quality and knowledge accumulation. Through this translation practice, the author is familiar with the translation process of simultaneous interpretation, expands the knowledge and vocabulary reserve of music, has a deeper understanding of the problems in the preparation process and the same biography, and studies the coping strategies. It is hoped that it will be helpful to this kind of research.


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