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发布时间:2018-07-07 09:05

  本文选题:英语元音发音 + 英语辅音发音 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:准确的英文发音在英语交际中至关重要。然而很多中国英语学习者在学习英语的过程中并没有重视其英文发音,因而也没有掌握英语元音和辅音的正确发音。本研究的目的在于通过分析沈阳英语学习者的元音和辅音的发音特点,参照美国英语本族语者的相关数据,找到沈阳英语学习者的元音及辅音的发音偏误。本研究主要回答了如下三个问题:(1)沈阳英语学习者的元音发音特点是什么?(2)沈阳英语学习者的辅音发音特点是什么?(3)造成沈阳英语学习者发音偏误的原因是什么?本研究分析了沈阳英语学习者产出的20个元音及24个辅音,所使用的语料均来自于AESOP—CASS(Asian English Speech Corpus Project—Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)语料库,笔者随机选取了30名沈阳英语学习者(含15名男性和15名女性)和10名美国英语本族语者(含5名男性和5名女性)朗读的28个单词作为研究语料。笔者从声学语音学的角度出发,使用语音学软件Praat将所有研究语料进行标注,得到元音及辅音发音特点的数据,然后用Excel进行信息的汇总和整理,将其与美国英语本族语者的相关数据进行比较,再制作出相关的折线图,用于直观呈现沈阳英语学习者英语元音及辅音的发音偏误,得到如下研究结果:沈阳英语学习者在发单元音/i:/和/i/时无明显区分度,在发/?/、/?/和/:/时,他们的舌位偏低偏靠前。在发双元音时,他们在发音起始和滑动到第二个音的过程中,与本族语者相比,舌位往往出现较高、较低、较前或较后的偏误,比较明显的发音偏误存在于/i?/和/ε?/这两个音。/i?/的起始舌位偏低偏靠前,结束时舌位依旧偏低。/ε?/的起始舌位偏高偏靠后,结束时舌位依旧偏高但是偏靠前。沈阳英语学习者比较明显的辅音发音偏误存在于/s/、/θ/和//这三个音。在实际的发音过程中,一些英语学习者会将/θ/和//发成/s/。另外,有些学生无法正确区分/f/和/v/、/w/和/v/.根据沈阳英语学习者的学习现状,作者从语言迁移、教学方法和学习策略这三个角度分析了发音偏误的原因。其中,语言迁移是造成发音偏误的最主要的原因。基于以上发音偏误的原因分析,作者提出了切实可行的改进发音的方法,以提高沈阳英语学习者的元音和辅音的发音水平。
[Abstract]:Accurate English pronunciation is very important in English communication. However, many Chinese English learners do not pay attention to their English pronunciation and therefore do not master the correct pronunciation of English vowels and consonants. The purpose of this study is to find out the vowel and consonant errors of Shenyang English learners by analyzing the phonetic characteristics of vowels and consonants and referring to the relevant data of native speakers of American English. This study mainly answers the following three questions: (1) what are the vowel pronunciation characteristics of Shenyang English learners? (2) what are the consonant pronunciation characteristics of Shenyang English learners? (3) what are the reasons for the pronunciation errors of Shenyang English learners? In this study, 20 vowels and 24 consonants produced by Shenyang EFL learners were analyzed. The data were collected from the AESOP-CASS (Asian English speech Corpus Project-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) corpus. The author randomly selected 28 words from 30 Shenyang English learners (15 males and 15 females) and 10 native speakers of American English (5 males and 5 females). From the angle of acoustics phonetics, the author uses Praat software to label all the research corpus to get the data of vowel and consonant pronunciation characteristics, and then use Excel to collect and sort out the information. By comparing it with the relevant data of native speakers of American English, the relevant line diagram is made to show the pronunciation errors of English vowels and consonants in Shenyang English learners. The results are as follows: Shenyang EFL learners have no distinct distinctions in unit / and /, and their tongue position is lower than that in /. In divowels, they tend to have higher, lower, earlier or later biases than native speakers in the process of starting and sliding to the second. The obvious phonetic bias was found in the initial tongue position of / and / 蔚 /. The initial tongue position was still low at the end of the speech, and the initial position of the tongue was still low at the end of the speech. The initial position of the tongue was higher than that of the latter. At the end of the speech, the initial position of the tongue was still higher than that of the former. Shenyang English learners have obvious consonant errors in the three sounds of / and /. In the actual pronunciation process, some English learners will pronounce / 胃 / and / as / s / r. In addition, some students can't distinguish correctly between / According to the present situation of English learners in Shenyang, the author analyzes the causes of pronunciation errors from the perspectives of language transfer, teaching methods and learning strategies. Among them, language transfer is the most important cause of pronunciation bias. Based on the analysis of the causes of the above errors, the author puts forward practical ways to improve the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in Shenyang English learners.


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