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发布时间:2018-07-08 12:13

  本文选题:汉语听觉动作动词 + 汉语听觉感知动词 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Hearing is an important sensory channel for human to obtain information, and auditory verbs play an important role in the language system. In this paper, according to Zhao Yanchun's classification criteria of auditory verbs, Chinese auditory verbs are divided into auditory action verbs, auditory perceptual verbs and auditory connective verbs. Then, according to the three major categories of political literature, legal texts and literary texts, the anthology of Mao Zedong, the selected works of Deng Xiaoping, the laws of the mainland of China, the collection of Lu Xun stories and the besieged city were selected as corpus respectively. This paper intends to solve three problems: what are the translation characteristics of each kind of Chinese auditory verbs in the three kinds of texts? What are the translation characteristics of Chinese auditory verbs in each type of text? What is the general trend of translation of Chinese auditory verbs in three types of texts? Through statistics and analysis, it is found that the proportion of literal translation of auditory action verbs in political literature and literary texts is higher, accounting for 50.86% and 57.45% of the total, respectively. In legal texts, free translation (metaphorical translation and ellipsis translation) is larger than literal translation, accounting for 55.07% of the total. In addition, the translation of metaphorical meaning is more important than that of ellipsis in the free translation of auditory action verbs. The proportion of literal translation of auditory perceptual verbs in political literature and literary texts is even higher, accounting for 62.64% and 70.09% of the total amount, respectively. However, in the legal texts, only literal translation is used (only in the corpus of this paper). Among the three types of texts selected in this study, auditory associative verbs appear only in literary texts and only by ellipsis in free translation. On the basis of the above translation features, this thesis gives a detailed explanation from the perspective of adaptation theory. We believe that the translation of Chinese auditory verbs into English is a process of continuous selection and adaptation. The translator should not only adapt to the linguistic level, but also adapt to the target language readers' psychological world, social world and other non-linguistic adaptation. In this process, the translator can choose literal translation and free translation. Auditory verbs are translatable, mainly because different peoples have similar cognition and experience in hearing. Therefore, when translating auditory verbs, translators can find equivalent translation in the target language, both in form and meaning. Therefore, literal translation is more likely to be faithful to the original text. However, when the target language can not find a translation opposite to the original language, the translator will often abandon the form of the original text and retain the content. Therefore, free translation is often used to achieve meaning equivalence in order to understand the meaning. In addition, the ellipsis translation of auditory verbs is generally based on two main reasons, one is the different expression habits caused by the differences of subjective and object consciousness between China and the West, and the other is that "listening" only bears the mechanism of causality induction. The translator follows the principle of pragmatic emphasis on results and omits no translation. The results of this study have certain theoretical and practical significance. First of all, through the study of the translation characteristics of Chinese auditory action verbs, the differences between Chinese and Western subjective and object consciousness in the use of auditory verbs are presented. Secondly, the study on the translation of auditory perceptual verbs further confirms the pragmatic differences between Chinese emphasis on process and English emphasis on results. At the same time, this study can provide some reference and guidance for the translation of Chinese auditory verbs.


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