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发布时间:2018-07-08 13:28

  本文选题:《遗产》 + 语言维度 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:在本翻译报告中,笔者选取了著名美国华裔女作家张岚(Lan Samantha Chang)的代表作---长篇小说《遗产》(Inheritance)作为翻译文本。该文本共分为五个部分,笔者重点关注第三部分(Occupation)。作为一部传记体小说,《遗产》侧重历史文化视角,作者张岚在书中十分形象地刻画出了婵依(Chanyi)、如男(Junan)、依男(Yinan)和李昂(Li Ang)这几个重要人物,并通过他们彼此之间的联系和冲突揭示了中国文化传统在早期美国华裔身上的传承。根据翻译文本的语言特点,笔者从生态翻译学视角,在语言维度、文化维度和交际维度下对翻译中遇到的问题进行具体分析。该翻译报告一共分为四个部分:第一部分,任务描述,包括翻译任务介绍(包括作品介绍和作者简介)及其研究意义;第二部分,翻译过程描述,包括译前准备、翻译过程和译后校对;第三部分,案例分析,即理论联系实践部分,主要包括生态翻译学视角下,从语言维度、文化维度、交际维度的适应性转换在具体翻译实践中的运用及相应的案例分析;第四部分,实践总结,包括此次翻译实践的译后反思以及其他有待解决的问题。
[Abstract]:In this translation report, the author selects Zhang Lan (Lan Samantha Chang), the masterpiece of Lan Samantha Chang, as the translated text. The text is divided into five parts, the author focuses on the third part (occupation). As a biographical novel, "Legacy" focuses on a historical and cultural perspective. In the book, the author Zhang Lan vividly depicts the important figures of Chanyi, such as Junan, Yinan and Li Ang. And through their mutual contact and conflict, it reveals the inheritance of Chinese cultural tradition in the early Chinese American. According to the linguistic characteristics of the translated text, the author makes a detailed analysis of the problems encountered in translation from the perspective of ecological translation, in the linguistic dimension, the cultural dimension and the communicative dimension. The translation report is divided into four parts: the first part, the task description, including the translation task description (including the introduction of the work and the author's brief introduction) and its research significance, the second part, the translation process description, including the pre-translation preparation. Translation process and post-translation proofreading; part three, case study, which mainly includes the linguistic dimension and the cultural dimension from the perspective of ecological translation. The application of the adaptation of communicative dimension in the translation practice and the corresponding case studies; part four, the summary of the practice, including the post-translation reflection of the translation practice and other problems to be solved.


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