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发布时间:2018-07-08 17:36

  本文选题:委婉语 + 概念隐喻 ; 参考:《南京师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Euphemism is a common language phenomenon, which has appeared in people's daily life for a long time and plays an important role in language communication and social life. The study of euphemism has been paid much attention by linguists. Many scholars have carried out extensive research on euphemism in terms of its definition, cause, formation and social function, but less attention has been paid to the way and motivation of its meaning construction. With the rise of cognitive linguistics, scholars' research on euphemism has gradually shifted from exploring its composition and pragmatic functions to a cognitive direction. However, most of the current studies focus on the metaphorical analysis of euphemism in a single, loose text, and lack of relevant research on its understanding mechanism and dynamic meaning construction. Based on the conceptual metaphor theory, conceptual integration theory and framework theory in cognitive linguistics, this study makes a cognitive analysis of the understanding mechanism and meaning construction process of the latest political euphemisms in American radio speeches. The main metaphorical types are summarized and the motivation behind the formation of structural discourse is demonstrated. The corpus of this paper is from the political part of the weekly radio speech of the President of the United States from June 2015 to September 2016, which is about 45100 words. The author uses the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to analyze its conceptual metaphors. Conceptual integration and architecture theory are analyzed in detail. Through the study of euphemism in the selected corpus, it is found that: (1) Conceptual metaphor theory and conceptual integration theory have a strong explanatory effect on the cognitive construction of euphemism. Conceptual metaphor theory emphasizes mapping from source domain to target domain or within a single domain, while conceptual integration theory introduces euphemism into the dynamic. (2) Conceptual metaphor theory constantly highlights the source domain of positive things and weakens the target domain of negative things in the process of mapping across spaces, thus achieving euphemism. In the selected texts, the main types of metaphors are journey metaphors, war metaphors, architectural metaphors, directional metaphors, human body metaphors. (3) the theory of structure can explain the cognitive motivation behind political euphemism more concretely. Among them, the road, the American dream and other structures embody people's idea of pursuing happiness and self-development, while the structure of solidarity and disease reflects the importance of the ability of social communists. When the activated structure accords with people's intrinsic values, the corresponding views in the discourse can be deeply rooted in people's hearts.


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