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发布时间:2018-07-10 00:43

  本文选题:顺应论 + 《培根论说文集》 ; 参考:《湖南工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Prose collection Essays is a famous masterpiece of Bacon. It has a wide range of contents and unique writing style. There are nearly 20 Chinese versions of the prose anthology, but the study of the translations is limited to the versions of Shuitian Tong and Cao Minglun, which objectively limits the in-depth study of the translation of Bacon's essay Collection. Taking the adaptation theory of Yev Visorun as the theoretical framework and the three versions of Gao Jian, Cao Minglun and Pillon as the object of study, this paper analyzes and explains the language choices of the three translators. The three are well-known translators, whose translations are widely recognized and cited frequently. Compared with many Chinese versions of Bacon's works, their versions have distinct linguistic characteristics and different translation methods. The study of their adaptation can provide a good reference for the retranslation of Bacon's Theory works or other literary works. Although all three versions are popular in the market, Cao Minglun's version has the largest circulation and sales volume, the highest frequency of citation, and the most acclaimed and recognized by scholars. Through the research and analysis, the language features of the three versions are displayed in the aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure, article information arrangement, rhetoric, stylistic style and so on. On these levels, the language characteristics of the three translators are both common and different. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze and explain from the perspective of adaptation theory. Visorun's theory of adaptation is to analyze the use of language from the perspective of cognitive thinking, social culture and language science. It is found that the linguistic features in these versions are the result of adaptation in different dimensions, and the similarities of linguistic features are mainly due to the adaptation to the similar linguistic structure, linguistic context and sociocultural context. The difference is mainly due to the adaptation of different target readers and translators themselves. Although the language choices of the three versions are the result of different dimensions of adaptation, Cao Minglun's adaptation dimension is the most extensive in terms of the number of adaptation dimensions, mainly in two aspects: linguistic structure and contextual adaptation. Cao Minglun's translation conforms to both the source language and the linguistic structure of the target language. The versions of Gao Jian and Pillon generally conform to the linguistic structure of the source language and the target language, but both of them fail to adapt well to the phonological structure, language style and rhetoric of the source language. In the adaptation of context-related elements, Cao Ming-lun adapts the context-related elements between the author of the source, the target reader and the translator itself. However, the translation of Gao Jian and Pillon fails to adapt to the background of the original author. The study shows that the more dimensions of adaptation, the more successful communicative activities.


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