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发布时间:2018-07-10 18:08

  本文选题:传记文学 + 语义翻译 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:传记文学是兼纪实性和文学性的一种叙事性文本。作者一般希望通过精彩的语言、独特的叙述方式以及丰富的情节线索吸引读者关注其作品所展现的事实,并引发读者的思考、行动和感悟。在传记文学的翻译过程中,需要译者充分考虑译本的真实性和文学性,恰当选择翻译原则、翻译策略。对此,英国翻译理论家彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark)提出的语义翻译和交际翻译理论,对传记文学翻译实践提供了方法和策略。此次翻译文本选自美国知名作家温斯顿·格鲁姆(Winston Groom)所著的传记《王牌飞行员》(The Aviators)一书中的第十章节进行翻译,遵循语义翻译和交际翻译这两种翻译方法,在忠实原文和保留原文特色的前提下,同时也会尽量兼顾读者的理解和反应,希望能够准确的呈现出原文的风格和神韵。成功的传记文学翻译,能让中国读者在接触更多历史、文化和现实社会信息的同时获得文学作品带给他们的审美感受。而目前,我国对传记文学翻译的系统研究较少,因此,研究传记文学的翻译具有必要性和重要性。笔者在翻译过程中遇到一些词汇、句式和文体风格等方面的难点。词汇的难点在于从多种意义中如何选用准确含义;句式的难点在于如何理清长难句的逻辑关系,忠实传达原文信息;文体风格的难点在于如何保留原文特色的前提下兼顾读者的理解和反应。报告中将集中展现这些难点的翻译方法。本文采取的研究方法是案例研究法。从纽马克的语义翻译和交际翻译理论出发,具体分析该翻译策略在词汇、句式和文体风格等方面的运用。笔者提出采用语义翻译的方法再现原文的意思和语言风格,并在交际翻译理论的指导下,通过恰当增词、句式拆分重组、词性转换等具体方法克服中英文句法结构、语法规则、表达习惯的差异以及中英文化差异造成的诸多翻译难点,使译文更易被中国读者理解和接受。研究表明,语义翻译和交际翻译理论具有各自所属的使用范围,翻译过程中根据具体情况综合运用两种理论,选择相应的翻译策略,力求做到既忠于原作又满足交际需求。
[Abstract]:Biographical literature is a kind of narrative text which is both realistic and literary. The author generally hopes to attract readers' attention to the facts presented in his works through brilliant language, unique narrative methods and rich plot clues, and to arouse readers' thinking, action and perception. In the process of the translation of biographical literature, it is necessary for the translator to take full account of the authenticity and literariness of the translation, and choose the translation principles and translation strategies. In this regard, the theory of semantic translation and communicative translation put forward by Peter Newmark, a British translation theorist, provides methods and strategies for the translation of biographical literature. The translated text is selected from the tenth chapter of the biography, the Aviators, by Winston Groom, a well-known American writer, following two translation methods: semantic translation and communicative translation. On the premise of being faithful to the original text and retaining the features of the original text, the reader's understanding and response will also be taken into account, hoping to accurately present the style and charm of the original text. The successful translation of biographical literature enables Chinese readers to gain the aesthetic experience brought by their literary works while they are exposed to more historical, cultural and social information. At present, there are few systematic studies on the translation of biographical literature in China, so it is necessary and important to study the translation of biographical literature. In the process of translation, the author encounters some difficulties in terms of vocabulary, sentence structure and stylistic style. The difficulty of vocabulary is how to choose the exact meaning from many meanings, the difficulty of sentence structure lies in how to clarify the logical relation of the long and difficult sentence, and how to convey the original information faithfully. The difficulty of stylistic style lies in how to preserve the features of the original text and give consideration to the reader's understanding and response. The report will focus on the translation of these difficulties. The research method adopted in this paper is case study method. Based on Newmark's theory of semantic translation and communicative translation, this paper analyzes the application of this translation strategy in vocabulary, sentence structure and stylistic style. The author proposes to reproduce the meaning and language style of the original text by means of semantic translation. Under the guidance of communicative translation theory, the author overcomes the syntactic structure and grammatical rules of both Chinese and English through appropriate word addition, sentence pattern splitting and recombination, and part of speech conversion. The differences in expression habits and cultural differences between Chinese and English make the translation easier for Chinese readers to understand and accept. The study shows that semantic translation and communicative translation have their own scope of use. In the process of translation, the two theories are applied comprehensively according to the specific situation, and the corresponding translation strategies are chosen to achieve both faithful and communicative needs.


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