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发布时间:2018-07-10 16:28

  本文选题:顺应理论 + 关联理论 ; 参考:《新疆大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Children's literature plays an important role in children's healthy growth, phonetic training and learning interest. In today's rapidly developing environment, the quantity and quality of children's literature in China are also improving rapidly. Therefore, we need more foreign literature to satisfy children's desire for new things, broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. Unlike adult literature, children's literature has its unique auditory and visual effects. Because children's cognitive and linguistic abilities are limited, this poses an imperceptible challenge to translators. Therefore, the author hopes that this paper can arouse scholars' in-depth study of children's literature translation. Relevance theory was proposed by Dan Spieber and Dildley Wilson. According to this theory, translation is a dual process of ostensive-inferential communication. The translator is both the hearer and the utterance. As the hearer, the translator should make reasonable reasoning about the original author's communicative intention, and as the utterance, the translator should reduce the reader's reading power. The translator should estimate the reader's reading ability in advance and use explicit stimulus signal when the target reader is not able to understand the translation. Within the framework of Visorren's adaptation Theory, language use is a process in which language is constantly connected to meet the needs of communication at different levels of consciousness. From the perspective of adaptation theory, the contextual differences, language structure differences and times differences between the original text and the target text may cause difficulties in information reproduction. The dynamic nature of linguistic adaptation reveals that the translator can flexibly select translation strategies according to the specific context of cross-cultural communication, correlate the correct translation methods, and realize the translation of the text. Adaptation theory is widely used in linguistics, stylistics, sociology and so on. This thesis is based on the adaptation theory put forward by Belgian Institute of International Pragmatics and Wilson's relevance Theory, and takes Sunon's translation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as an example. A descriptive approach is used to analyze the Chinese versions of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from the perspectives of linguistic style adaptation, contextual adaptation and linguistic structural object adaptation. This paper attempts to study how the translator combines children's cognitive and receptive abilities, and compares the original text with the target text from the perspective of different customs and customs, religious beliefs and so on. Based on adaptation theory and Wilson's relevance theory, relevance adaptation model provides a new direction for the study of children's literature translation. The author makes a contrastive analysis of a large number of examples from the translation. This paper first explores the adaptation to children's cognitive and psychological world from the perspective of rhetorical devices such as similes, metaphors, onomatopoeias, reduplicative words and pragmatic styles. Then from the cultural level, from different customs, religious beliefs and other angles to compare the original text and the translation. Finally, the author explores the relevance and adaptation of the translator in the process of translation at the linguistic level of pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax. The function of relevance adaptation theory in the process of translation is proved by analysis. It is found that the translator of children's literature can adapt at the linguistic and non-linguistic levels and reduce the reading ability of the target language children. For this purpose, translators of children's literature should strengthen their cultural knowledge of the source language and the target language while enhancing their bilingualism.


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