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发布时间:2018-07-11 15:54

  本文选题:高中学生英语 + 英语定冠词 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语冠词系统主要包括定冠词the,不定冠词a/an和零冠词(?)三类,其用法却相当复杂。Master(1990)曾指出:“对于学习者来说,英语冠词系统是语法中最难掌握的部分之一,也是最后才能完全习得的部分之一”。冠词的习得对于二语习得者来说是重点,更是一个难点。根据Ellis(1994),现有的冠词使用规则并不能够囊括所有的用法,很多情况下冠词的使用是由文中的语义来决定的。由于汉语中缺乏冠词系统,所以中国英语学习者在冠词习得过程中面临着更大的困难。Mater(1990)提出的二元系统理论,将冠词分为 Classification(a/an and 01)和 Identification(the and(?)1),进一步丰富了冠词系统理论。由此,笔者在二元系统理论的基础上,以本族语为参照,旨在探索中国高中学生定冠词the的独特使用特征,并为英语教学提供有益指导。具体来说,本研究主要包括以下三个问题:(ⅰ)与英语本族语者相比,中国高中英语学习者写作中定冠词the的类联接有何分布特征?(ⅱ)与英语本族语者相比,中国高中英语学习者写作中定冠词the在功能上有何特征?(ⅲ)造成定冠词the的类联接分布特征和功能特征的原因有哪些?本研究主要基于语料库研究方法,首先从CLEC的子库ST2和LOCNESS中的随机抽取文本组成新的资料库。其次,对资料库中定冠词the的形式和功能分别进行标注,最后在标注的文本中分别从CLEC和LOCNESS中随机选取300个样本深入分析,得出研究数据。利用定量和定性的方法对数据分析和讨论,以保证研究结果的客观性和有效性。本研究的结果如下:(ⅰ)与本族语者相比,中国高中学生写作中定冠词the的使用在类联接分布中存在独有的特征。总的来说,一方面高中生倾向使用第一种类联接分类“THE+PRE-MOD+N”,其中过度使用类联接形式“THE+N”,“THE+R-ADJ+N”和“THE+C-ADJ+N”,另一方面,高中学习者很少使用第二种分类“THE+N+POST-MOD”,但是其中类联接形式“THE+N+PREP(of)”的使用相对较多。(ⅱ)与本族语者相比,中国高中学生写作中定冠词the在功能上存在独有特征。总的来说,中国高中学生倾向于用“THE+PRE-MOD+N”来实现“之后提及”,“共享知识”和“等级性形容词”功能,而本族语者却更多的选择“THE+N+POST-MOD”的形式以实现“限制后置定语”的功能。具体来说,与英语本族语者相比,中国学生更多的使用形式“THE+N”来实现“之后提及”的功能而非“共享知识”。此外,为了实现“共享知识”功能,中国学习者过度使用“THE+C-ADJ+N”,而本族语者却很少使用。最后,中国学习者在“限制后置定语”功能中过度使用类联接形式“THE+N+PREP(of)”而较少的使用“THE+N+RL”形式。(iii)造成高中生在定冠词the的使用中类联接类型和功能特征的原因主要有以下两种:(a)母语迁移的影响:受汉语限定词“这”、“这个”、“那”和“那个”,前置修饰结构“形容词+名词”以及所属结构“.....的+名词”的影响,中国高中英语学习者过度使用类联接形式“THE+N”,“THE+C-ADJ+N”,“THE+C-ADJ+N+PREP(of)”,较少使用“THE+N+RL”;(b)语法教学的影响:在冠词的教学过程中,大多数的教师主要是依靠语法书中所总结的冠词使用规则来进行教学。其中,对于非首次出现的名词前加定冠词the的要求,使得学生在实现“之后提及”功能时倾向于在名词前加定冠词the,结果导致“THE+N”的过度使用。此外,对于修饰名词的形容词最高级前须加定冠词the的规定,使得类联接形式“THE+R-ADJ+N”的过度使用。本研究结果对英语教和学的启示:(a)在日常教学过程中,教师不应该只是简单总计诶冠词的用法,而应该弄清形式和功能的对应关系。要教会学生如何根据特定的语境下定冠词the所要实现的功能来选择适当的形式。此外,教师和同学要认识到真实的语言材料对于教和学的重要性,而不仅仅局限于机械的识记语法书中所罗列的用法。在实际教学中,教师应该尽可能的根据教学内容,将收集到的真实的语言材料应用到教学之中,让学生从真实的语言情境中体会语言的多元化。(b)教师和学生要注意减少母语对于英语学习的负面影响。在英语习得的过程中,要有意识地监控定冠词the的使用,避免出现不恰当的使用。
[Abstract]:The English article system mainly includes the three categories: the definite article the, the indefinite article a/an and the zero article (?). The use of the article is rather complex.Master (1990). "For the learners, the English article system is one of the most difficult parts in the grammar, but also one of the parts of the final acquisition." the acquisition of the article is for the two language learners. According to Ellis (1994), the existing article use rules can not cover all uses. In many cases, the use of articles is determined by the semantic meaning of the article. Because of the lack of the article system in Chinese, Chinese English learners face a greater difficulty in the acquisition of coronal words.Mater (1990). The two element system theory, which divides the articles into Classification (a/an and 01) and Identification (the and (?) 1), further enriches the theory of the article system. On the basis of the theory of the two yuan system, the author aims to explore the unique use characteristics of the definite article the of Chinese high school students and provide the English teaching with the reference of the native language. Specifically, this study mainly includes the following three questions: what are the distribution characteristics of the class connection of the definite article the in Chinese high school English learners' writing compared with native speakers of English? (II) what are the functional features of the definite article the in Chinese high school English learners' writing compared with those of English native speakers? (III) creating a fixed crown What are the reasons for the distribution and functional characteristics of the class join of the word the? This study is mainly based on the corpus research method. First, a new database is formed from the random extraction text of the CLEC sublibrary ST2 and LOCNESS. Secondly, the form and function of the definite article the in the database are annotated respectively. Finally, the text in the tagged text is from CLEC, respectively. In order to ensure the objectivity and effectiveness of the research results, 300 samples were randomly selected from the LOCNESS to analyze and discuss the data by quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of this study are as follows: compared with native speakers, the use of the definite article the in Chinese high school students is in the distribution of the class join distribution. In general, on the one hand, high school students tend to use the first class join classification "THE+PRE-MOD+N", which overuses the class join form "THE+N", "THE+R-ADJ+N" and "THE+C-ADJ+N". On the other hand, high school learners rarely use second categories of "THE+N+POST-MOD", but the class join form "THE+N+P" The use of REP (of) is relatively more. (II) in comparison with native speakers, the definite article of Chinese high school students' writing article the has its own unique features. In general, Chinese high school students tend to use "THE+PRE-MOD+N" to realize "after reference", "shared knowledge" and "hierarchical adjectives", while native speakers are more. In contrast to English native speakers, Chinese students use the form of "THE+N" to realize the function of "after reference" rather than "shared knowledge". In addition, in order to achieve the "shared knowledge" function, Chinese learners use the "T" over the "T" function. HE+C-ADJ+N ", while native speakers are rarely used. Finally, Chinese learners overuse" THE+N+PREP (of ")" in the "limited post attributive" function and less use "THE+N+RL". (III), there are two main reasons for high school students' connection type and functional characteristics in the use of definite article the: (a ) the influence of the transfer of mother tongue: the influence of the Chinese determiner "this", "this", "that" and "that", the pre modified structure "Adjective + noun" and the influence of the structure "... + noun", Chinese high school English learners overuse the form of "THE+N", "THE+C-ADJ+N", "THE+C-ADJ+N+PREP (of") ", less so The influence of "THE+N+RL" and (b) grammar teaching: in the course of the article, most of the teachers mainly rely on the rules of the articles in the grammar book to use the rules to teach. Among them, the requirement of the article the before the non first appearance of the noun is added, so that the students tend to add the noun to the noun in the realization of the "later reference" function. The definite article the results in the excessive use of "THE+N". In addition, the provisions of the article the should be added to the most advanced adjectives of the modified nouns so that the form of "THE+R-ADJ+N" is overused. The result of this study is a revelation to English teaching and learning: (a) in the course of daily teaching, the teacher should not simply total the general article. Use, and should make clear the correspondence between form and function. It is necessary to teach students how to choose the appropriate form according to the function of the in a specific context. In addition, teachers and students should recognize the importance of real language materials to teaching and learning, not only limited to the list of mechanical memorizing grammar books. In practical teaching, in practical teaching, teachers should apply the real language materials collected to the teaching as far as possible according to the content of the teaching, and let the students understand the diversity of language from the real language situation. (b) teachers and students should pay attention to reducing the negative influence of mother tongue on English learning. Monitor the use of the definite article the to avoid inappropriate use.


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