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发布时间:2018-07-12 11:44

  本文选题:同伴互评 + 自我效能感 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:英语写作,作为英语学习者的一项必备技能,能有效地促进学习者基本英语语言知识的内化。然而,长期以来,在英语教学中,在对学生进行英语“听、说、读、写、译”几项语言能力的培养过程中,囿于课时量不足以及学生缺乏写作兴趣和信心,大学生的英语写作能力往往要低于其它四项能力。因此,如何提高学生的写作兴趣和写作信心,如何构建科学、有效的英语写作方法,是广大英语教师及研究者们所面临的一项日益艰难的挑战。写作自我效能感来源于自我效能感,是写作过程中一个关键的动机因素。大量的研究表明:写作自我效能感能够预测和影响学生的英语学习成绩。由此,我们推断:在英语写作教学中,如果教师采取科学有效的方法来增强学生的写作自我效能感,学生的写作成绩将会得到有效提高。而研究表明,同伴互评能够有效提升学生的写作兴趣,缓解学生的写作焦虑。这些研究启发了笔者:如果在大学英语写作课中应用同伴互评,是否能够显著提高学生的写作自我效能感呢?通过查阅文献,笔者发现:将同伴互评与大学生的写作自我效能感相联系的研究较少。为验证之前的假设,笔者采用实证研究,来探讨同伴互评有效提高大学生的写作自我效能感的可行性。本研究试图回答以下三个问题:(1)同伴互评对大学生英语写作自我效能感是否有显著影响。(2)同伴互评对大学生英语写作技能效能感、英语写作任务效能感的影响是否存在显著差异。(3)同伴互评对高、中、低水平学生的英语写作自我效能感的影响是否存在显著差异。本研究的84名实验对象来自于山东青年政治学院大一本科会计专业的两个平行班级。随机选取其中一个班为实验班,另一个为控制班。开学第一周,对两个班分别进行了英语水平测试以及英语写作自我效能感的问卷调查,前者的目的是探究实验前两个班的英语水平是否相当以及根据其成绩将实验班的学生进行高、中、低水平的分组;后者则是为了探究实验前两个班的英语写作自我效能感的水平是否相当。第二周,实验班的学生接受同伴互评的培训,让他们对能在教师的指导下有效运用同伴互评。在接下来的14周里,实验班的写作课通过同伴互评的方式展开;控制班的写作课则采用了传统的教师评价方式。学期末,在两个班中再次对学生的英语写作自我效能感进行了问卷调查,以探究通过教学实验,实验班学生的写作自我效能感是否比控制班有更加显著的提高。借助SPSS 22.0软件对所收集的数据进行定量分析之后,笔者得出以下结论:(1)同伴互评能够显著提高大学生的英语写作自我效能感;(2)同伴互评对大学生的英语写作技能效能感与英语写作任务效能感的影响无显著差异;(3)同伴互评对中、低水平学生英语写作自我效能感的影响大于对高水平学生英语写作自我效能感的影响,对中水平学生的影响最大。本研究的研究结果表明:在大学英语写作教学中应用同伴互评能够有效提高学习者的写作自我效能感。基于实验研究结果,笔者还对大学英语写作教学提出了一些建议,指出了该研究的局限性,并为今后的相关研究提供了一些启发性的思路。
[Abstract]:English writing, as a necessary skill for English learners, can effectively promote the internalization of basic English language knowledge. However, for a long time, in the course of teaching English "listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating" in English teaching, students are limited to lack of time and students' lack of interest and letters in writing. In mind, college students' English writing ability is often lower than the other four abilities. Therefore, how to improve students' interest in writing and confidence in writing and how to build a scientific and effective way of writing are an increasingly difficult challenge for English teachers and researchers. A key motivational factor in the process. A large number of studies have shown that writing self-efficacy can predict and influence students' English learning performance. Thus, we infer that in the teaching of English writing, if a teacher takes a scientific and effective way to enhance the students' sense of self-efficacy, the students' writing performance will be effectively raised. The research shows that peer review can effectively improve students' interest in writing and alleviate students' writing anxiety. These studies have inspired the author: if the application of peer review in College English writing class can significantly improve the students' self-efficacy of writing? Through consulting the literature, the author finds that peer review and college students should be mutually evaluated and college students. There are few studies associated with the sense of writing self-efficacy. In order to verify the previous hypothesis, the author uses empirical research to explore the feasibility of improving college students' self-efficacy by peer review. This study tries to answer the following three questions: (1) whether peer review has a significant impact on College Students' self-efficacy in English Writing (2) There are significant differences in the impact of peer review on College Students' sense of English writing skills and the effectiveness of English writing tasks. (3) there is a significant difference in the influence of peer review on the self-efficacy of high, middle and low level students. The 84 experiments of this study are from the undergraduate accounting of the College of Youth Politics in Shandong. One of the two parallel classes was selected as the experimental class and the other was the control class. The first week of the first week, the English proficiency test and the self-efficacy of English writing were investigated in two classes. The purpose of the former was to explore whether the English language level of the two classes before the experiment was equivalent and the experiment would be based on the results of the experiment. The students in the class were divided into high, medium and low level groups; the latter was to explore the equivalent of the two classes of English writing self-efficacy. In the second week, the students in the experimental class received peer review training to enable them to effectively use peer review under the guidance of the teachers. In the next 14 weeks, the experimental class was written. The class is carried out by peer review; the writing class in the control class adopts the traditional teacher evaluation method. At the end of the semester, the students' self-efficacy of English writing is investigated again in the two classes to explore whether the students' writing of the experimental class is more significantly higher than that of the control class. After quantitative analysis of the data collected by SPSS 22 software, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) peer review can significantly improve college students' sense of self-efficacy in English writing; (2) there is no significant difference in the influence of peer review on College Students' sense of English writing skills and the sense of competence in English writing; (3) peer review is in the middle of each other. The effect of low level students' self-efficacy on English writing is greater than the influence on the self-efficacy of high level students' English writing, and it has the greatest impact on the middle level students. The results of this study show that the application of peer review in College English writing teaching can effectively improve the learners' self-efficacy. The author also puts forward some suggestions on the teaching of College English writing, points out the limitations of the study and provides some enlightening ideas for the future research.


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