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发布时间:2018-07-16 13:44
【摘要】:随着新一轮的大学英语教学改革,自主学习作为一种新型的教学理念,已经成为大学英语教学改革的主流思想。焦虑作为语言学习过程中的最大情感因素之一,也成为外语教学研究的一个热点。因此,外语自主学习应在了解学生自主学习焦虑的基础上进行以便取得高效率的学习效果,以此帮助学生减少焦虑从而达到外语自主学习的目的。本文以自主学习理论为基础,采用问卷调查和访谈的方式,以广西师范大学体育专业和艺术专业共318名大一大二的本科生为研究对象,对以下三个方面的问题进行研究:1)体育专业和艺术专业本科生的英语自主学习焦虑整体情况,以及他们在问卷的四个因素的分布情况如何?2)体育专业和艺术专业本科生英语自主学习焦虑的原因是?3)体育专业和艺术专业本科生英语自主学习焦虑是否存在显著差异?本文调查问卷包括四个自主学习焦虑维度:能力;学习权;社会;心理,并结合体育生和艺术生的具体情况对问卷进行适当修改。通过SPSS 20.0统计软件对收集的数据进行分析,研究结果表明:1)体育专业和艺术专业本科生确实存在一定程度的英语自主学习焦虑,焦虑值高的主要是学习能力方面的焦虑;2)体育专业本科生英语学习焦虑略高于艺术专业本科生,但不存在显著差异;3)英语学习焦虑产生的原因有:缺乏正确的学习策略;消极的学习态度;缺少自信心;学习能力不足等。本研究仍存在一些不足之处:研究样本仅选取广西师范大学的体育和艺术专业大一大二的学生;研究对象仅限在学生层面,并未涉及到教师。建议后续相关研究可扩大样本数量,同时把教师也作为研究对象,并考虑引起焦虑的其他因素。本文通过了解英语自主学习焦虑的状况及焦虑产生的原因,分别从教师和学生的角度讨论如何降低英语学习焦虑,从而针对英语自主学习提出一些可行性的建议。
[Abstract]:With a new round of college English teaching reform, autonomous learning, as a new teaching concept, has become the mainstream of college English teaching reform. As one of the biggest affective factors in language learning, anxiety has also become a hot topic in foreign language teaching. Therefore, foreign language autonomous learning should be carried out on the basis of understanding students' autonomous learning anxiety in order to achieve high efficiency, so as to help students reduce anxiety and achieve the goal of foreign language autonomous learning. Based on the theory of autonomous learning, this paper takes 318 freshmen and sophomores majoring in physical education and art in Guangxi normal University as the research objects. Study on the following three aspects: 1) the overall situation of English Autonomous Learning anxiety of undergraduates majoring in physical Education and Art, And how about the distribution of the four factors in the questionnaire? 2) the causes of English autonomous learning anxiety of physical education majors and art majors are: 3) are there significant differences between physical education majors and arts majors in English autonomous learning anxiety? The questionnaire includes four dimensions of autonomous learning anxiety: ability; right to learn; society; psychology; and the appropriate revision of the questionnaire combined with the specific situation of sports students and art students. The data collected were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 statistical software. The results show that the students majoring in physical education and art majors do have a certain degree of anxiety in English autonomous learning. 2) English learning anxiety of PE majors is slightly higher than that of art majors, but there is no significant difference. 3) the causes of English learning anxiety are: lack of correct learning strategies; A negative attitude towards learning; a lack of self-confidence; a lack of learning ability, etc. There are still some shortcomings in this study: the study sample only selects the freshmen and sophomores of physical education and art major in Guangxi normal University, and the research object is limited to the student level and does not involve the teachers. It is suggested that the following related research may enlarge the sample size, and take teachers as the object of study, and consider other factors that cause anxiety. This paper discusses how to reduce English autonomous learning anxiety from the perspective of teachers and students, and puts forward some feasible suggestions for English autonomous learning by understanding the situation of English autonomous learning anxiety and the causes of the anxiety.


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