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发布时间:2018-07-18 10:40
【摘要】:随着中国陶瓷走向世界,越来越多的学者注意到研究其英文文献的重要性。从历史的角度来看,许多陶瓷珍品的实物都外销到国外,而在国内鲜有,国内学者又缺乏相关研究资料,因而中国外销陶瓷的英文文献对国内研究陶瓷的学者来说具有重要价值。然而,我国陶瓷研究者有着丰富的陶瓷工艺等知识,却不擅长外语,因此英文陶瓷文献的翻译对他们来说十分重要。所以,研究英文陶瓷文献的翻译很有必要。本文基于《9至16世纪东南亚外销陶瓷》部分章节的英译中翻译实践,主要以举例分析的方式重点探讨了英文陶瓷文献的词汇、句法特点,然后概括翻译实践中遇到的一些困难,最后总结出英文陶瓷文献翻译中用到的技巧。《9至16世纪东南亚外销陶瓷》由约翰·盖伊(John S.Guy)编写,并于1986年由牛津出版社出版,原文中大量使用中文拼音、陶瓷专业术语、被动语态和长难句等。报告表明,英文陶瓷文献提到许多中国历史事实,其中涉及大量的中国人名、地名、书籍名以及陶瓷行业术语。因此正确进行中国专有名词的找回翻译以及陶瓷专业词汇的对等翻译需要结合文献资料考察方法以及直译、词性转换、语态变换、句子拆分等翻译技巧来寻求解决方案。希望本文所做的尝试能对相关英文陶瓷文献的翻译提供一些参考。
[Abstract]:With the development of Chinese ceramics, more and more scholars pay attention to the importance of studying its English literature. From a historical point of view, many ceramic treasures are exported to foreign countries, but few in China, and domestic scholars lack relevant research materials. Therefore, the English literature of Chinese exported ceramics is of great value to the domestic scholars of ceramic research. However, Chinese ceramic researchers have rich knowledge of ceramic technology and are not good at foreign languages, so the translation of English ceramic literature is very important to them. Therefore, it is necessary to study the translation of English ceramic literature. Based on the translation practice of some chapters of Southeast Asian exported Ceramics from the 9th to 16th centuries, this paper mainly discusses the lexical and syntactic features of English ceramic literature by way of illustrative analysis, and then summarizes some difficulties encountered in translation practice. Finally, the techniques used in the translation of English ceramic literature are summarized. < 9 ~ 16 ~ (th) Century Southeast Asian exported Ceramics was written by John S. Guy and published by Oxford Press in 1986. Passive voice and long difficult sentences, etc. The report shows that the English ceramic literature refers to many historical facts in China, including a large number of Chinese names, place names, book titles and ceramic terminology. Therefore, the correct translation of Chinese proper nouns and the equivalent translation of ceramic vocabulary need to combine the methods of literature review, literal translation, conversion of parts of speech, voice transformation, sentence splitting and other translation techniques to seek solutions. It is hoped that the attempts made in this paper will provide some references for the translation of relevant English ceramic literature.


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