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发布时间:2018-07-18 09:16
【摘要】:本文是一篇英译中翻译实践报告。翻译材料来源于犹太籍精神病医生西格蒙特·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的作品《梦的解析》(The Interpretation of Dreams)中的部分内容。笔者翻译了第六章的后半部分即"梦中的理智活动"。该章着重讲述了弗洛伊德将潜意识和性欲的理论作为分析的基础,通过分析梦的象征,梦中的理智活动以及一些荒谬的梦,指出精神分析家释梦时要透过梦的运作机制,由显性梦境寻找隐性梦境,从而发现梦者潜意识中受到压抑的愿望。现代社会人们的精神压力越来越大,各种抑郁症和自闭症等心理疾病层出不穷。笔者发现《梦的解析》一书在医学方面大有用处,尤其是该书在精神分析治疗中的应用,对于神经症患者的治疗十分有益。因此,翻译《梦的解析》就具有重要的现实意义。通过对作品的解读,可以帮助我国的学者及医者更清楚地认识神经症患者的病因,从而更好地治疗他们。翻译的关键不仅在于传达原文的信息,更要再现原文的风韵。在翻译过程中译者发现,原文中专业术语较多,遣词造句十分讲究,且以长句为主,说理性较强。因而译者运用了奈达的功能对等理论,分析了一些长句,被动句以及文化名词的处理,力求原文的信息得到自然贴切的重现,使译文和原文达到功能对等。在功能对等理论的指导下,译者运用了插入法、增补法、拆分法等方法,使整个翻译过程中的一些难题得到妥善解决。译者发现在做翻译前,应该了解作者的相关信息以及其作品的写作背景,尽量减少错误的出现;做翻译时,自己要多查资料并需要一定的专业指导;做完翻译后,不仅要自查,还要进行组内互查,提高译文质量。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on translation from English to Chinese. The translation is based on the work of Sigmund Freud, the interpretation of Dreams. The second half of Chapter 6 is the activity of reason in dreams. This chapter focuses on Freud's theory of subconscious and sexual desire as the basis of analysis. By analyzing the symbolism of dreams, the rational activities of dreams and some absurd dreams, it is pointed out that psychoanalysts interpret dreams through the operational mechanism of dreams. The hidden dream is found by the explicit dream, and the subconscious desire of the dreamer is found to be suppressed. In modern society, people are under more and more mental pressure, such as depression, autism and other psychological diseases emerge endlessly. The author finds that the analysis of dreams is very useful in medicine, especially the application of the book in psychoanalytic therapy, which is very beneficial to the treatment of neurotic patients. Therefore, the translation of dream analysis has important practical significance. Through the interpretation of the works, the scholars and doctors in our country can understand the etiology of neurotic patients more clearly and treat them better. The key of translation is not only to convey the original information, but also to reproduce the charm of the original text. In the process of translation, the translator finds that there are many professional terms in the original text, and the choice of words and sentences is very particular. Therefore, using Nida's functional equivalence theory, the translator analyzes the treatment of some long sentences, passive sentences and cultural nouns, in order to achieve the functional equivalence between the target text and the original text. Under the guidance of the functional equivalence theory, the translator uses the insertion method, the supplement method and the split method to solve some difficult problems in the whole translation process. The translator finds that before translating, he should know the author's relevant information and the writing background of his works, and minimize the occurrence of mistakes. When he is doing translation, he should check more information and need some professional guidance. After translation, he should not only check himself. We also need to carry out inter-group checks to improve the quality of translation.


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1 胡洪庆;白日梦的解析者[N];光明日报;2007年

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1 马云虎;《梦的解析》(第五章节选)翻译项目报告[D];安徽大学;2017年

2 韩笑;《梦的解析》(节选)翻译项目报告[D];安徽大学;2017年

3 姚小燕;《梦的解析》(节选)翻译项目报告[D];安徽大学;2017年

4 何志文;弗洛伊德著作《梦的解析》中的隐喻研究[D];黑龙江大学;2007年




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