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发布时间:2018-07-18 11:06
[Abstract]:Language is not only related to the norms of the learners' behavior and cultural values, but also the identity of the learners. When learning a foreign language, the learners will unconsciously acquire the cultural values and thinking patterns of the target language countries. A large number of theoretical and empirical studies have been done, but the study of foreign language learning and cultural identity in the Uygur context has not attracted enough attention. Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic and multicultural exchange, so Uygur students have natural multi language and cultural environment. Chinese as the official language of the state, As an important communication tool for the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, with the intensification of globalization, more and more Uygur students begin to learn English. However, Uygur culture based on Muslim culture is also different from the Chinese culture based on Confucian culture and the English culture based on Christianity, studying Uygur students in learning. The cultural identity changes in the process of English are of great significance. This study draws on the questionnaire on foreign language learning and self identification compiled by Professor Gao Hong Professor, and takes the Uygur College Students in Xinjiang as the subjects to explore some problems related to foreign language learning and cultural identity in Uygur context: (1) English Education Will there be an impact on Uygur cultural identity construction? (2) does "productive bilingualism" exist in Uygur language learners? (3) how do different factors such as sex, grade, beginning time, English level, motivation intensity and self-confidence affect Uygur language learners' cultural identity? The results show that: Language learning can indeed affect the construction of cultural identity of Uygur learners. First, although Uygur English learners have a strong national consciousness, they will also produce cultural conflicts in the process of English learning, but on the whole they are "acquired" in terms of behavior, values and so on. "Instead of" losing sex ". Second, this study shows that productive bilingualism is not limited to" the best foreign language learners "and the Han foreign language learners, but also in Uygur foreign language learners. The mastery of the target language and mother tongue can promote each other and complement each other. This study confirms that for foreign language learners," productive bilingualism " Phenomenon "is a universal phenomenon. Third, among the many factors affecting cultural identity, the beginning age is the most important demographic factor, except the subjective affective factors such as motivation intensity and self-confidence.


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