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发布时间:2018-07-18 11:37
[Abstract]:As an important bridge between Chinese and Western cultural exchanges, the translation of foreign propaganda shows the image of China to the world. Foreign translation plays an important role in China's economic development. Readers try to understand the information conveyed by the translation in order to get a better understanding of China. However, the problem of translation quality is not optimistic. The problem of cultural default in translation practice poses a great challenge to the translation of Tianjin Xuan into English, and the problem of cultural default needs to be solved urgently. From the perspective of Newmark's communicative translation theory, this paper studies the cultural default of Tianjin's foreign translation, and reconstructs it and its strategies. The communicative translation theory regards translation as an effort to achieve the same effect on the target language readers as the original text on the source language readers. The aim of this theory is to convey information according to the target language, culture and pragmatics, rather than to stereotype a series of linguistic units. In order to achieve a certain communicative purpose, the translator should try his best to break the limitations of the original text and even correct the original author's mistakes. The core principles of communicative translation theory can be summarized as follows: focusing on the readers; satisfying the aesthetic needs of the readers; and satisfying the readers' desire for cultural exploration. On this basis, the theory is used not only in translation practice, but also in the study of cultural default. According to Matterin's research on the causes of cultural default, cultural default originates from the default of illustration, which refers to the omission of the relevant cultural background knowledge shared by the author and the intended reader when communicating with the intended reader. When the schema in the source language culture has no corresponding part in the target language culture and the cognitive environment of the original author and the target language reader is different in translation, the cultural default phenomenon arises. The following cultural default problems exist in translation of Tianjin enterprises: semantic redundancy, consciousness vacuum and lack of aesthetic form and function. To solve these problems, under the guidance of communicative translation theory and with a large number of examples, this paper puts forward corresponding reconstruction strategies and their applicability: transformation perspective, semantic addition, promotion of the translator's cultural implication and so on. It is necessary to probe into the deep-seated causes of cultural default forms and the strategies and methods to deal with them in the present situation, which is of guiding and referential significance to the translation of foreign propaganda in Tianjin, and should be paid more attention to. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly summarizes the research background, the research question, the research significance, the research method and the frame. The second chapter comprehensively analyzes the default phenomenon of foreign publicity translation, including the concept of cultural default, the conceptual analysis of foreign publicity translation reconstruction and the exploration and demonstration made by scholars at home and abroad, and then discusses the necessity of reconstructing cultural default phenomenon in foreign propaganda translation from English to English. Chapter three systematically combs Newmark's translation theory, compares communicative translation theory with semantic translation theory, and emphasizes the important role of communicative translation theory in cultural default compensation in foreign translation. The fourth chapter first analyzes the causes of cultural default in the translation of foreign publicity and English, and then, through a specific case study, studies the specific problems of cultural default translation in Tianjin, and leads to the specific strategies to solve this problem. The fifth chapter summarizes the cultural default analysis and reconstruction of Tianjin Xuan, which is of practical significance. It can not only enhance the cultural consciousness of translators, but also improve the image of Tianjin in order to promote its economic development. The limitations and suggestions of this study are pointed out in order to benefit similar research and teaching.


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