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发布时间:2018-07-18 14:41
[Abstract]:This practice report is based on the interview with Jin Liqun, the president of the AIIB. In doing this simulation, the translator goes through the following stages: first, pre-translation preparation, including reading parallel texts and background information, establishing terminology and vocabularies, preparing equipment, etc.; second, the process of interpretation. The self-evaluation after interpretation and the feedback from the audience; finally, the recording is written, and after careful analysis of the text, the translator summarizes the problems in the process of interpretation and puts forward some countermeasures. The two main problems of translators in interpreting are mistranslation and omission. The first problem is the mistranslation of Chinese idioms, technical terms and long sentences. The first is the wrong translation of Chinese idioms. The characteristics of Chinese idioms include: strong cultural characteristics, including rhetoric and historical allusions, condensed and abstract expressions, which constitute an obstacle to the translator's translation of Chinese idioms. The translator adopts the translation strategy of free translation to solve the mistranslation of Chinese idioms. The second is the misinterpretation of professional terms. Due to inadequate preparation of pre-translation financial terms, and lack of professional knowledge of misinterpretation. The translator should strengthen the accumulation of terms and knowledge in related fields. Furthermore, it is the wrong translation of long sentences. The main reason for this problem is the syntactic and grammatical differences between English and Chinese: the syntactic features of English are hypotaxis, the grammatical features are dominant, while the syntactic features of Chinese are parataxis, and grammatical features are recessive. The differences in language make it difficult for translators to translate long sentences in Chinese. After reading the literature and materials, the translator concludes that the strategy of leaving the language shell can be used to solve this problem. After understanding the meaning of the source language, the translator separates it from the linguistic form. The second problem is the omission of clauses and sentences. Intensive information, poor memory and note-taking ability lead to missing translation, the corresponding solution is memory training and note-taking exercises. The analysis of these problems in interpreting and the countermeasures put forward will lay a good foundation for the translator's interpretation work in the future. At the same time, the translator also hopes that this report can provide some valuable reference for the interpretation of economic interviews to some extent.


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