[Abstract]:In today's economic globalization, cultural diversity and information networking, cultural teaching, as a component of foreign language teaching, has become increasingly important and necessary. In order to further clarify the importance of culture teaching and refine the implementation measures of culture teaching, this study takes the cultural teaching of an American English teacher as a reference to carry out educational narrative research. In order to continuously improve and improve the purpose of domestic culture teaching. In this study, Mr. Benjamin Horn, a foreign teacher from the School of International Cultural Exchange, Guangxi normal University, was used as a research collaborator. The information was collected by means of interview, observation and text analysis, and the story of cultural teaching in three semesters of Mr. Horn was narrated and explained. On the basis of the analysis, Mr. Horn's cultural teaching concept and specific cultural teaching characteristics are analyzed. Studies have found that as an American teacher, Mr. Horn represents a different culture. He emphasized the necessity and importance of culture teaching, advocated that language learning and culture teaching should be combined in all language teaching classes, display multicultural content, and adhere to the concept of learner-centered culture education. His cultural teaching features are comprehensive, innovative, unique, communicative and so on, and his IESE cultural teaching model is worthy of attention and promotion. The research has provided abundant enlightenment for the culture teaching in the domestic language classroom: teachers should enhance their own cultural literacy, enrich their own cultural experience, improve teaching ideas and skills, students should strengthen the cultivation of autonomous learning ability and mode of thinking; Schools should organize activities related to culture and carry out multiple evaluation methods, and educational departments should create opportunities for teachers' cultural teaching and training and exchange activities.
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