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发布时间:2018-07-18 20:27
[Abstract]:The project teaching method is a learning model which is centered on students, in "doing middle school" and emphasizing the importance of cooperation. It is widely used and studied for its adaptation to the requirements of College English curriculum reform. College English curriculum reform determines the overall development goal of cultivating students' language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategy and cultural awareness in five aspects. Therefore, this thesis tries to explore whether the project teaching method can effectively influence students' English learning strategies so as to listen, speak, read, and write four for the majority of teachers. The author tries to answer the following three questions: the 1. project teaching method has a greater impact on the use of English learning strategies for the students? 2. what kind of projects can more effectively stimulate the change of students' learning strategies? What is the 3. project teaching method This study selects three class students of English teachers in the teaching method of project teaching in Jilin University as the research object. First, the research results are collected before the beginning of the study, and they are divided into high, middle and low three groups according to English ability. Step research is prepared. Secondly, the language learning strategy scale compiled by Oxford is used to investigate the English learning strategies of the subjects at the beginning of the beginning of the school and at the end of the semester. In the course of one semester's classroom observation according to the proposed classroom observation points, some students are randomly selected to conduct semi structured interviews, from different angles from different angles. This paper studies how project teaching method can effectively affect the use of students' English learning strategies. The collected questionnaire data are examined by SPSS paired sample T test on the whole and group and group. The results show that the project teaching method can effectively stimulate the change of students' learning strategies. The main purpose is to reflect the following two aspects: first, project teaching The influence of the learning method on the middle and low level students is more obvious, and does not have much influence on the high level students. Secondly, the project teaching method can affect the students' memory strategy more, the cognitive strategy, the metacognitive strategy and the social strategy have little influence on the emotional strategy. After the preparation of the skills and knowledge needed for the project, the compensation for the students is compensated. The effect of the strategy is not obvious. Through the analysis of the classroom observation points and the interview results, it is found that the relationship between the students' life and the interesting items can effectively stimulate the students to use the learning strategies, as well as to write a report, and the presentation stage of the project teaching method has a greater impact on the students' learning strategies. This study can be used for the use of the study. The teachers of the project teaching method provide some teaching ideas, and also recommend some research perspectives for researchers who want to continue studying the project teaching method, which is of great significance.


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