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发布时间:2018-07-23 20:03
[Abstract]:Under the tide of economic globalization and the integration of the world economy, Chinese commodities began to go abroad in large numbers, among which tea is one of them. In order to obtain good sales effect in foreign markets, tea products must be advertised in foreign markets, and tea advertisements in foreign markets must be presented in English, which involves the translation of tea advertisements into English. It can be said that a good translation strategy is not only the premise to ensure that tea advertising in the foreign market to get a good effect, but also to help tea products continue to get attention and enhance the impact of the foundation. From the perspective of international trade, this paper makes a brief discussion on the translation of tea advertisements in the international market, hoping to enlighten the relevant advertisement makers of tea enterprises.
【作者单位】: 保定职业技术学院;


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