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发布时间:2018-07-26 18:32
[Abstract]:With the change of the world economic pattern, we have become more and more closely connected with the countries of the world. As a language that uses the most countries and the largest number of languages in the world, we need to learn this language if we want to achieve sustainable development. It is also the main reason why English will become the second language of our country. Learning is very important, it can help students to better understand the western culture, such as the Chinese tea culture is gradually accepted by the west, but the two parties have long been different in terms of customs, cognition, cultural background and so on. Therefore, the article holds that it is necessary to focus on the culture of Chinese and Western tea in this area. Let's compare it with English translation teaching and put forward some thoughts and suggestions.
【作者单位】: 四川大学锦城学院;


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