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发布时间:2018-07-28 07:49
[Abstract]:The effect of English teaching in primary school has begun to be divided into two levels. The higher the grade, the bigger the gap between students. The main reason for students' learning difficulties is their low sense of self-efficacy. The self-efficacy of students with learning difficulties is affected by many factors, but the teacher factor is the most direct and effective. If teachers consciously improve the learning self-efficacy of students with learning difficulties in their daily teaching, it will have a good effect on their English learning. This paper investigates the self-efficacy of students with English learning difficulties in primary schools from the perspective of teachers' influencing factors. The students with English learning difficulties in grade 3 to 6 in Decheng District of Dezhou City were interviewed and investigated. Furthermore, 20 English teachers were interviewed to find out the teachers' factors that affect the learning self-efficacy of the students with English learning difficulties in primary schools, so as to better understand the psychological needs of the students with learning difficulties. Improve the learning self-efficacy of students with English learning difficulties. This study is mainly composed of four parts: firstly, by analyzing the interview results and the survey data, it is concluded that the main factors that affect the teachers' self-efficacy of students with English learning difficulties are: teachers' trust, teacher-student relationship, and teaching methods. Teacher's fair attitude, teacher's patience, teacher's evaluation, teacher's professional knowledge, teaching attitude and teacher's concern are nine factors. Secondly, based on the research results and teaching practice, this paper analyzes the teachers' influencing factors of reducing the self-efficacy of students with English learning difficulties in primary schools: teachers do not establish a correct view of students, teachers do not trust students with learning difficulties or have low expectations; Teachers' neglect of students with learning difficulties; teachers' lack of patience for students with English learning difficulties; teachers' inappropriate evaluation language. Finally, the author puts forward the effective strategies for teachers to improve the learning self-efficacy of the students with English learning difficulties in primary schools, including four aspects: teaching with morality, applying emotion to reason; setting up layered teaching objectives; creating successful experience continuously; and making good use of positive evaluation.


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