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发布时间:2018-07-29 18:09
【摘要】:在评价学生英语作文的过程中,大部分教师都认同语法和词汇上的准确性有助于写作质量的提升。自从20世纪90年代以来,为了促进二语或外语学习者写作准确性的提高,有关教师书面修正性反馈对写作影响的研究大量涌现。然而,自从Truscott (1996)在他的评论文章《反对在第二语言写作课堂中修正性反馈》中声称教师书面修正性反馈无效并且应该被放弃,关于教师反馈是否有效的讨论一直在进行。尽管国外有关书面反馈的实证研究比比皆是,国内相关实证研究却较为匮乏。并且,国外实证研究多以二语为背景,与国内以英语为外语的写作教学背景又大不相同。同时,国内实证研究多以大学生为研究被试,这一点与国外情况相同。由此可见,针对高中阶段的相关研究较为稀少。国内的研究也很少同时涉及修正性反馈对学生英语写作语法准确性和写作两方面的影响。因此,本研究立足书面修正性反馈在高中英语教学中应用研究,并尝试回答以下问题:1.教师书面修正性反馈怎样提高高中学生英语写作的准确性?2.教师书面修正性反馈是降低还是提高高中学生英语写作质量?为什么?3.学生对教师书面修正性反馈有什么态度?为了证明此研究的可行性和有效性,作者在本人所在学校开展了一次研究活动,本研究的被试是作者所教高三两个班级的66学生。高三1班共33人被选为实验班,2班共33人作为对照班。学生年龄都在17或者18岁。两班所有教科书及教辅材料均相同,英语写作教学均为每周一次,并且根据学生第一学期全区期末统考作文成绩,两班写作成绩无显著性差异。作者对1班学生习作采用书面修正性反馈,另一名与作者有相同资历的教师对2班习作采用总体评价的常规方法,以证明此研究的合理性。在实验期间,每位学生共写作9篇应用文,并要求根据收到的反馈进行相应的修改。学生在作文一、作文五和作文九的写作准确性以及写作质量上的表现都被如实记录下来,并且用SPSS16.0进行科学分析。通过独立样本T检验和配对样本T检验,本研究得出结论如下:1.教师书面修正性反馈有助于提高高中生写作的语言准确性;2.教师书面修正性反馈可以促进学生写作质量的提高;3.学生对教师书面修正性反馈持积极态度。在实证研究的基础上,本文还提出了一些关于有效开展书面修正性反馈的建议。教师的反馈能使学习者注意到中介语与目标语之间的差距,并且多数学习者期待教师反馈,因此,教师应为学习者提供系统的修正性反馈。在提供反馈时,教师还应考虑多方面因素,调查与学习者语言水平相匹配的反馈形式,同时兼顾语言和内容上的问题,注重全面提高学习者的写作水平。此外,教师给出反馈后,要为学习者提供修正的机会,从而引起学习者注意到反馈,促进其内化和巩固外语知识。
[Abstract]:In the process of evaluating students' English composition, most teachers agree that grammatical and lexical accuracy contributes to the improvement of writing quality. Since the 1990s, in order to improve the writing accuracy of second language or foreign language learners, a large number of researches on the influence of teachers' written feedback on writing have emerged. However, since Truscott (1996) claims in his commentary "objection to modified feedback in the second language Writing classroom" that the teacher's written revised feedback is invalid and should be abandoned, there has been a discussion on whether teacher feedback is effective. Although foreign empirical studies on written feedback abound, domestic empirical studies are relatively scarce. Moreover, foreign empirical studies are mostly based on the background of L2, which is quite different from the background of EFL writing teaching in China. At the same time, the domestic empirical research mostly takes the university students as the subjects, which is the same as the foreign situation. It can be seen that the high school phase of the relevant research is relatively rare. At the same time, the influence of modified feedback on the grammatical accuracy and writing of English writing is seldom studied in China. Therefore, this study is based on the application of written modified feedback in senior English teaching and tries to answer the following question: 1: 1. How to improve the accuracy of senior high school students' English writing with written revised feedback? Does the teacher's written revised feedback reduce or improve the English writing quality of senior high school students? Why three. What is the student's attitude towards the teacher's written corrective feedback? In order to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of this study, the author carried out a research activity in his school. The subjects in this study were 66 students in two classes of Senior three taught by the author. A total of 33 students from Class 1 of Grade 3 were selected as control class. The students are all 17 or 18 years old. All the textbooks and teaching aids in the two classes are the same. The English writing teaching is once a week. According to the students' composition scores in the final examination of the first semester, there is no significant difference between the two classes. In order to prove the rationality of this study, the author adopts written revised feedback on class 1 students' exercises, and another teacher with the same qualifications as the author adopts a general method of general evaluation of class 2 exercises. During the experiment, each student wrote a total of 9 articles and requested to make corresponding corrections based on the feedback received. Students' writing accuracy and writing quality of composition 1, composition 5 and composition 9 were recorded truthfully and analyzed scientifically with SPSS16.0. Through independent sample T test and paired sample T test, this study draws the following conclusions: 1. 1. Teachers' written revised feedback helps to improve the language accuracy of high school students. Teachers' written revised feedback can improve students' writing quality. Students have a positive attitude towards teachers' written corrective feedback. On the basis of empirical research, this paper also puts forward some suggestions on effective written revised feedback. Teacher feedback can make learners notice the gap between interlanguage and target language and most learners expect teacher feedback. Therefore teachers should provide systematic corrective feedback to learners. When providing feedback, teachers should also consider various factors, investigate the feedback forms that match the learners' language level, take into account the problems of language and content, and pay attention to improving the learners' writing ability in an all-round way. In addition, after the teacher gives feedback, it is necessary to provide the learner with the opportunity to correct it, so as to arouse the learners' attention to the feedback, promote their internalization and consolidate their foreign language knowledge.


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