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发布时间:2018-07-31 13:09
[Abstract]:Bai Xianyong, a famous writer in Taiwan, is a representative of the "Taipei people", which has been widely praised since its official publication in 1971. It is regarded as a classic of overseas Chinese literature. This work mainly tells the joys and joys of some Chinese mainland people during the special historical period. After the end of the Chinese civil war, these people withdrew to Taiwan with the defeated Kuomintang. The object of the study, "winter night >" from the "Taipei people", is mainly about the two scholars who recollection of the patriotic past of the 54 period. It is also the only one of Bai Xianyong's writing career as an intellectual subject, so that the readers can live in the ideological state and living environment of the intellectuals living in Taiwan for the special historical reasons in 1950s. With a profound understanding. In view of the unique charm of the work and the important influence in China, the Indiana University Publishing House published its English translation in 1982, "the Taipei people >." the translation was completed by the original author Bai Xianyong and the American scholar Ye Peixia. The articles and comments of the translation study appear in succession. They analyze the literary works from different angles, such as the role of the translator, the translation strategy or the translation theory. However, it is worth noting that there has not been a study on the "north people" in the perspective of Moorhouse's translation quality assessment model. An important topic in the study. Moorhouse first proposed her translation quality assessment model in 1977 and released the revised version in 1997. In the original model, Moorhouse believed that the text could only be analyzed in the situational context, so she fully considered and discussed the concept of "situation" in the model proposed. It is divided into eight operable parameters, also called "situational dimensions", namely "place", "social stratum", "time", "language media", "degree of intervention", "social role relationship", "social attitude" and "topic category". Among them, the three parameters of "place", "social stratum" and "time" are the dimensions of language users, and "language media", " The degree of intervention "," "social role relationship", "social attitude" and "topic category" belongs to the dimension of language use. In Moorhouse's revised model, she integrates the above eight dimensions into Hallidy's "register" theory, and increases the analysis of the new dimension of "genre", in which register analysis includes three variables - the "field", "" and "" The contrastive analysis between the original text and the target text is mainly reflected in the analysis of the "language field", "tenor", "language" and "genre" in each dimension, which is specifically focused on the lexical, syntactic and textual levels. This paper mainly uses Moorhouse's translation quality evaluation model to evaluate the quality of the short story < winter night > the self translation. The following questions are as follows: (1) from the perspective of Moorhouse's translation quality assessment model, how to evaluate the quality of the translation of the winter night's self translation; (2) whether the model is applicable to the evaluation of the quality of the translation of Chinese and English short stories. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the quality of the translation of "winter night >" from the perspective of the model of Moorhouse's translation quality assessment and the test of the model. In the assessment of the applicability of the translation quality of Chinese and English short stories, the results show that in the perspective of Moorhouse's translation quality evaluation model, the translation quality of "winter night >" is very high, which belongs to dominant translation and the original text is highly matched in all dimensions. Meanwhile, it is also proved that Moorhouse's translation quality evaluation model is suitable for Chinese and English short. The research significance of this article is mainly manifested in the following points: first, through a careful analysis of the quality of the translation of the translation of the "winter night", it is helpful to promote the study of the quality and characteristics of the self translated text. Secondly, this paper promotes the application of Moorhouse's translation quality evaluation model in short stories. The perspectives of the short story study are diversified; third, for the self translators, they will be more explicit about how to deal with the original text objectively, and pay more attention to the equivalence of the text and the target text in the translation process to achieve better translation quality.


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