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发布时间:2018-07-31 14:25
[Abstract]:This report is based on the translation of Shanghai Eastern Airlines Cleansing Standard into English. During the summer internship in Shanghai World language Translation Company, I was mainly responsible for translation of civil aviation manuscripts. Taking Shanghai Eastern Airlines as a case study, this paper discusses the difficulties encountered by the author in the translation process and the translation strategies used to solve these problems. This report mainly discusses this translation project from five aspects. First of all, the project background, the project content and the translation significance of the project are introduced. Secondly, the translated text of Shanghai Eastern Airlines Cleansing Specification for passenger cabin is described simply and the specific language features of this specification. Furthermore, the preparatory work before translation is systematically described, including the search and collection of parallel texts at home and abroad, the preparation and presentation of relevant civil aviation terms in the form of tables, and the translation standards of scientific and technological translation texts. Finally, the difficulties encountered in the process of translation and the strategies to solve them are discussed. From the lexical level as well as the syntactic level, provides the reference for us to encounter the similar problem. At the end, the author summarizes the translation practice and summarizes the problems and reflections encountered in translation practice. Based on the study of the translation of Shanghai Eastern Airlines' Cleansing Specification for passenger cabin, it is hoped that it can provide some reference suggestions for the translation methods of the similar norms, and at the same time, it also hopes to help improve the quality of the translation of the Cleaner Cleaner Code of Civil Aviation. And expect to have more relevant research text to provide more effective translation guidance for the norms of civil aviation cabin translation.


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